Extra magazines on a backpack hunt

Apr 5, 2015
I once worked for an old crusty NCO that said you can never have enough bullets. He was a veitnam vet and had a bit of a limp that he got from "losing the initial exchange of grenades" with a gentlemen in the early 70's.

so as a force of habit from the old .mil days I carry way too much of everything. I usually have two extra mags for my tikka for a total of three. One in the gun, one on me and one in the pack.

there is no conceivable scenario outside of a zombie apocalypse or hill billy "deliverance" nightmare where I am going to fling 15 bullets at something or have time to reload in between 5 round strings to hit anything anyway. that said, having humped +500 rounds of 556 or, worse, loads of 762 back in the day, a few extra bullets seems like a small indulgence. The only possible rational justifications I can think of is that magazines can fail or fall out of a gun on the move. Apart from that, I knew a guy that fell out of a tree stand 15 years ago. broken hip and collar bone. Of course no cell phones or itinerary. He signaled for help by firing 3 shot strings from a box of 20 shells he had in his pocket.

Bottom line, is that I carried anywhere from 7 to 15 mags for my rifle back in the army and it just feels better to have more than one on me when I go to the field.