exo mountain pack

Give me a call tomorrow with your pack in hand and a tape measure. I'll have a large belt with me and we can go over the dimensions. Something sounds off for sure.
I did another long hike today, this time with 49 lbs in it. I really can't make it uncomfortable. I tried loading more weight on one side and it still carried fine. Only thing I could wish for is a little longer padding on the shoulder harness and a little longer belt. I have never needed that before. I may order a medium belt to to see if I like it better. Really nice and i can't wait to get another belt pouch and put a bunch of miles on this thing.
Hi mate, what part of the Hunter are you in? I'm regularly on the Central Coast, I'd be interested in taking a look at it for sure.
I take it you have the 3500 bag?

Based in Singleton - flick me a PM if you are up this way. Yep 3500.

P.S this is the best pack I've ever worn. Get one.
Anxiously waiting on my 3500! Any recommendations for dry bags to use for meat hauling in the load shelf?

Would recommend just having it in the game bags... that's one of the pluses of this design... the meat gets to breathe better. Can just wash pack up later.
Would recommend just having it in the game bags... that's one of the pluses of this design... the meat gets to breathe better. Can just wash pack up later.

Agreed. The primary material on this pack is waterproof/bloodproof and it will keep all of your stuff on the inside of your pack from getting all bloody. better to keep it in a game bag where it can cool more effectively.
Agreed. The primary material on this pack is waterproof/bloodproof and it will keep all of your stuff on the inside of your pack from getting all bloody. better to keep it in a game bag where it can cool more effectively.

Makes sense, and the waterproof feature definitely makes this more of an attractive option. Thanks.
Has anybody received shipping info or been charged for their 5500? I am getting antsy!

The last email I traded with Steve was that the 5500's were to begin shipping on the July 18th. That was awhile ago though, right after they announced they were changing up the 3500 production sequencing. Hoping they ship soon. Sheep season is less than three weeks away and I'd like to get some time under the pack before hitting the trail.
Steve usually puts updates on their Facebook page. He just posted that they are completely sold out (spoken for) of everything. He stated once this run was completed that next will not be until October. They are obviously having a much greater demand than they ever imagined. Having the 3500 I know why!
Has anybody received shipping info or been charged for their 5500? I am getting antsy!

Talked with Steve yesterday, I paid the rest of my pre-order deposit and he said they were still waiting on some foliage parts before they could ship them, not sure about the ASAT or coyote. Hope its soon though.
Talked with Steve yesterday, I paid the rest of my pre-order deposit and he said they were still waiting on some foliage parts before they could ship them, not sure about the ASAT or coyote. Hope its soon though.

Thanks man. I actually just spoke with Steve today too. Looks like mine will be shipping out soon. I just got the all coyote so should be good to go!
I just got the all coyote so should be good to go!

I actually wanted coyote, but I imagined some yahoo shooting at me while I was carrying out a large rack on top of it. I guess that can happen with any color, but carrying a rack on top of a light tan pack could give some the wrong impression........even if the rack is upside down. So I ordered foliage.
I have the Foliage and it is in incredible. I live in NY and would NEVER walk into the woods with something big and brown!! Every so often we get a city slicker up here that shoots at ANYTHING!!!
I actually wanted coyote, but I imagined some yahoo shooting at me while I was carrying out a large rack on top of it. I guess that can happen with any color, but carrying a rack on top of a light tan pack could give some the wrong impression........even if the rack is upside down. So I ordered foliage.

Wimp :)
I actually wanted coyote, but I imagined some yahoo shooting at me while I was carrying out a large rack on top of it. I guess that can happen with any color, but carrying a rack on top of a light tan pack could give some the wrong impression........even if the rack is upside down. So I ordered foliage.

This is the exact same thought process I had when I changed my order from CB to Foliage. Couldn't be happier, the foliage color looks awesome.