Exo Mountain K4?


Dec 23, 2018
Dedicated member of Team Overkill?
haha I'm not sure if this is a compliment or dig but I've worked up to it for months, pick my terrain carefully, do a lot of ankle, knee and hip stability work. I just want to make sure I can go where I need to harvest a moose and be able to pack it out. To each his own though right?!
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Any K4 owners found the nalgene holder to be awfully tight? Trying to re-insert a half full or less nalgene bottle has proven difficult when on the move- enough so the upper rib was sacrificed (hacked off w/ a knife) on my last scouting trip. I will order replacement if they tend to break-in or if anyone has a good hack.

Also EXO, please make a slick bugle tube holder for the belt.
I left a Nalgene in mine when not using, it’s still snug, but not hard to use like it was initially

I also started using the tall Nalgene and using it has seemed to help as well

I would prefer them a little bit bigger diameter, but once broken in, it’s fine, and is a great accessory, especially how it’s mounted


Dec 30, 2021
South Carolina
I know they’re different frame shapes, but out of curiosity, has anyone removed some foam from the K4 lumbar as an adjustment?
I put a K3 lumbar pad in to see how it felt and I liked it a lot. Same exact foam but 1” shorter in height and same width. I’m 5’7 so the shorter lumbar pad fit my lower back better but because there was more room in the lumbar pocket for the taller foam it moved around too much. After some training hiking hikes I don’t notice the K4 lumbar pad but I am interest to see if something shorter that fit in the frame properly would work better for me.

This doesn’t address the thickness per se but by the K3 lumber pad being shorter, I didn’t have contact points top and bottom which allowed the frame to sit closer to my body. Not much, but more comfortable initially


Jul 21, 2020
It gets easier with practice to do, but the problem I’ve found is that the only real good way to get it out is by the strap. I like that it’s tight so I don’t lose the bottle, but on my most recent trek the loop detached over the lid and ripped right off the cap. Thankfully Nalgene is sending me another for free but still kinda sucks.

Push up from the bottom. This kicks it out and inch or 2. Then grab the exposed part and pull.