Executive Gun Control Orders?


Jun 18, 2018
Minden Nevada
I just hope they do something about these 80% ghost pipe bombs Home Depot sells.

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Oct 22, 2020
Here is a video, listen for yourself and decide if you think multiple guns from multiple locations were being used. I am inclined to believe that these are red flag events being purposefully used to shift public opinion.

I am fairly sure there were multiple shooters which definitely doesn't jive with the official story.

I was at that concert, and to me it sounded like the sound of the rifle was bouncing off of all of the other buildings(his muzzle blast was facing down the strip). Of course being there, my mind was else where as we were seeking cover and dealing with wounded. But who knows?! The news on it died out pretty quickly. But If there were multiple shooters I would think there would be more casualties. Also in my honest opinion I’m glad he had the bump-stock, he was shooting fish in a barrel with 25k in attendance if he didn’t use it there would be more dead.
Feb 28, 2012
I was at that concert, and to me it sounded like the sound of the rifle was bouncing off of all of the other buildings(his muzzle blast was facing down the strip). Of course being there, my mind was else where as we were seeking cover and dealing with wounded. But who knows?! The news on it died out pretty quickly. But If there were multiple shooters I would think there would be more casualties. Also in my honest opinion I’m glad he had the bump-stock, he was shooting fish in a barrel with 25k in attendance if he didn’t use it there would be more dead.

Sorry you had to endure that.


Sep 24, 2017
Since you seem to be legitimately considering this discussion, take a look at this website and see if it changes your perspective on 911. I am a degreed and practicing mechanical engineer who has worked on building structural design and also worked for Boeing on the 767 aircraft for 5 years. The hard data that I have does not agree with the official 911 story.

How many people here knew that 3 towers fell on 9/11?
Jan 6, 2014
I was at that concert, and to me it sounded like the sound of the rifle was bouncing off of all of the other buildings(his muzzle blast was facing down the strip). Of course being there, my mind was else where as we were seeking cover and dealing with wounded. But who knows?! The news on it died out pretty quickly. But If there were multiple shooters I would think there would be more casualties. Also in my honest opinion I’m glad he had the bump-stock, he was shooting fish in a barrel with 25k in attendance if he didn’t use it there would be more dead.
I am also sorry you had to experience that. I lost a friend at that concert, it was a horrible thing and so senseless. What the &$*@ are wrong with some people to do that....
Oct 18, 2020
Do some research on World Trade Center building 7. The twin towers were not the only buildings that came down in new York that day, and it didn't get hit by a plane. They claim it was damaged by debris, but the manner that it fell implied a controlled demolition.


Jun 22, 2020
Do some research on World Trade Center building 7. The twin towers were not the only buildings that came down in new York that day, and it didn't get hit by a plane. They claim it was damaged by debris, but the manner that it fell implied a controlled demolition.
Have you ever seen the 4+ hour video about 9/11?

I had a friend send me that video a few years ago (he's a building inspector) and it completely changed my thoughts on 9/11. Now, someone would have to prove to me it was an act of terrorism, not the other way around.....extremely convincing.
Oct 18, 2020
Have you ever seen the 4+ hour video about 9/11?

I had a friend send me that video a few years ago (he's a building inspector) and it completely changed my thoughts on 9/11. Now, someone would have to prove to me it was an act of terrorism, not the other way around.....extremely convincing.
I would be interested in a link if you had one


Feb 28, 2021
What do you think the real story is?
I have a friend who is former military and works in law enforcement in LAV He told me that incident was part of a bigger plot that night to kill a Saudi Prince (or some high roller middle eastern person) that night, and the attack on the crowd was a diversion to occupy law enforcement while the threat was carried out on the Prince. The Prince had gotten wind of something, and was no longer there (left the night before), but the people carrying out shooting were already shooting things up while the alleged attack was to happen on the Prince. He said the guy who was dead in the room wasn't the shooter. I think it was all on the downlow because they haven't caught the people who tried to carry out the attack on the Prince. Crazy stuff. There's so many unanswered questions on that incident and things went quiet on it. Just really strange. Anyway, that's what I heard straight from a person in LE in Vegas. Take it FWIW


Jul 2, 2016
How many people here knew that 3 towers fell on 9/11?

I was aware of that. Back in the day there was sort of an infomercial that would come on late at night, the production quality was amateurish but it talked a lot about building 7.

I watched a documentary called “jfk to 9/11, everything is a rich mans trick”. That was pretty disturbing to say the least.

I’ve also heard rumors that there was a hardcover coffee table type book that was about an art project inside the World Trade Center that in fact was depicting how the Israelis set explosives and thermite in the building.


Apr 23, 2021
Every person on here should donate to gun owners of America. They really truly fight for gun rights not being infringed!


May 7, 2021
Weekend at Biden's, sleepy Joe is talking about "common sense" gun control orders coming if Congress won't pass them. I don't like Executive orders no matter which party is in the White House. I imagine the Supreme Court will get busy pretty soon? However, this could just be pandering to his Marxist base and just talk? Looks like a looooong couple years until the next round of elections.....

I just hope when the loooong couple of years are over we still have some sort of chance of getting another go at this. Sure seems they are trying hard to make it where they only ever win. They know Biden is a one term president so they are ramming every possible policy down everyone’s throats.

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