Executive Action

These are symptoms. The problem is income inequality and the destruction of the middle class. The problem is our elected officials (left and right) owned by corporations, who worship nothing other than profit.

I disagree with the problem being income inequality. My neighbor making 3x's as much as me has nothing to do with it.

I agree that Elected officials are owned by corporations and greed. And that is a huge blind spot. To me (as another said too), the US & most States are trying to Govern the People, not Govern for the people / with the people. This stems from a overall callous disregard for the Constitution & Bill of Rights.
Pretty sure Jesus mentioned nothing about "the right to bear arms". If you want to live in a theocracy, I hear Syria is nice.

Since you continue to throw the values that this country was founded on into the dustbins of history perhaps it's you that should expatriate. Maybe France would fit your values but in this country that was founded on the constitution, born out of the Declaration of Independence that states - We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —

And you've got me pegged wrong - I don't even attend church, I just happen to be an American that believes in the bill of rights and constitution unlike some here that thinks it's reasonable to relinquish inalienable rights.
Since you continue to throw the values that this country was founded on into the dustbins of history perhaps it's you that should expatriate.
Actually I'm American Indian (Salish) so it would be better if non-American Indians went back to wherever they originally came from.
And you've got me pegged wrong - I don't even attend church, I just happen to be an American that believes in the bill of rights and constitution unlike some here that thinks it's reasonable to relinquish inalienable rights.
For that I do apologize. It's easy for any of us to make assumptions about something based on what little we see on the Internet. More than likely you and I or anybody else who disagrees with me would probably get along fine when talking hunting and the backcountry (Politics and religion are off limits though). Cheers.
These are symptoms. The problem is income inequality and the destruction of the middle class. The problem is our elected officials (left and right) owned by corporations, who worship nothing other than profit.

And there it is. This 3 sentence post tells me more about you than all of your other posts in this thread combined. Talking points. Are you in college, or teach at a college/university by any chance? You've avoided answeri g the age question so far?
I recall a bit foggily perhaps....there was a time in the fairy-tale city of New York...when a remarkable liberal mayor named Bloomberg decided the free people of that city should have their sweetened soft drink intake regulated. This was all based on the claimed 'public health concern' catch-all phrase, and he intended to pursue...ahem...soft drink control. He pushed for limits on cup/serving sizes, and would have made it illegal to exceed a certain ounce container. Admittedly, there was no talk of container registration...just container elimination. As I recall it met with some resistance from the populace and the baton eventually passed to the next esteemed mayor named de Blasio. His efforts to achieve soft drink control also failed...apparently Bloomberg had left a sour taste in some mouths. I understand the effort has been abandoned for now, but there is always potential for a 'dead' snake to bite. If I recall correctly, Sarah Palin saluted the good (former) mayor and asked,

"How's that workin' for ya?"

View attachment 32218
And there it is. This 3 sentence post tells me more about you than all of your other posts in this thread combined. Talking points. Are you in college, or teach at a college/university by any chance? You've avoided answeri g the age question so far?
35 years old. Work in IT (too easy to post on Rokslide). I went to college but not for IT. Married, two kids. Non-religious but spiritual. I have brown hair and eyes, 6'1", 185 lbs. Lived in MT since I was 5 minus a 7 year stint in rural Alaska in my 20's. Think basically all politicians are phony. Am not registered to a political party. I vote for every election I am able to. I do not accept blindly the party platform of either party. Can't stand Hillary Clinton. Much prefer Sanders (at least he's consistent with his views, rather the the endless pandering of every other candidate). Enjoy watching the republican clown show. I also think tax cuts for the rich are not good economic policy (history has shown that).

Anything else you want to know about me?
I recall a bit foggily perhaps....there was a time in the fairy-tale city of New York...when a remarkable liberal mayor named Bloomberg decided the free people of that city should have their sweetened soft drink intake regulated. This was all based on the claimed 'public health concern' catch-all phrase, and he intended to pursue...ahem...soft drink control. He pushed for limits on cup/serving sizes, and would have made it illegal to exceed a certain ounce container. Admittedly, there was no talk of container registration...just container elimination. As I recall it met with some resistance from the populace and the baton eventually passed to the next esteemed mayor named de Blasio. His efforts to achieve soft drink control also failed...apparently Bloomberg had left a sour taste in some mouths. I understand the effort has been abandoned for now, but there is always potential for a 'dead' snake to bite. If I recall correctly, Sarah Palin saluted the good (former) mayor and asked,

"How's that workin' for ya?"

View attachment 32218
Yep, stupid policy. Sarah Palin is an idiot too.
How is economic equality/inequality related to inherent evil in the human race?

Do you honestly think the violent crime rates would drop in this country if every citizen was given the same house, the same car and the same amount of money?
Actually I'm American Indian (Salish) so it would be better if non-American Indians went back to wherever they originally came from.

For that I do apologize. It's easy for any of us to make assumptions about something based on what little we see on the Internet. More than likely you and I or anybody else who disagrees with me would probably get along fine when talking hunting and the backcountry (Politics and religion are off limits though). Cheers.

Wow now I am even more confused. Being an American Indian one should recognize what became of your great heritage after you turned in your guns for protections and promises from the government. As Russel Means said - we are all on the reservation now.

An American Indian should also recognize the dangers and total destruction that unlimited entitlements and so called "government equality" bring.
These are symptoms. The problem is income inequality and the destruction of the middle class. The problem is our elected officials (left and right) owned by corporations, who worship nothing other than profit.
Much prefer Sanders (at least he's consistent with his views, rather the the endless pandering of every other candidate). Enjoy watching the republican clown show. I also think tax cuts for the rich are not good economic policy (history has shown that).
Sanders sure has been consistent. Consistently socialist! I have a hard time understanding, with all the failed socialist regimes in the past and the historical information available which clearly depicts the tyranny of socialism, how anyone could think it's a viable means of government. Please don't mistake me for thinking our government is perfect. It was as close to perfect as you can get when the original Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified. But, human nature is human nature and those documents have been trampled on, perverted and distorted over the last couple of centuries. I too see the corruption and graft in politics and it disgusts me as well. But, I think it can be fixed if we return to the original documents and allow freedom (and responsibility) to flourish. If you think it's going to get better under socialism, your wildly misguided.

Could you explain to me what income equality means? If I understand you correctly, you mean that if I work harder at educating myself and work harder at my job and am willing / capable to take on more responsibility/liability then I should still make the same as someone who isn't/doesn't. So basically, you think someone flipping burgers at McDonalds should make the same as someone in IT. Where is logic in that?! Part of the freedom equation is to be as lazy or ambitious as you want and accepting the associated rewards or lack there of for your decisions/actions.

Why do you think everything is suppose to be fair?

Wow now I am even more confused. Being an American Indian one should recognize what became of your great heritage after you turned in your guns for protections and promises from the government. As Russel Means said - we are all on the reservation now.
An American Indian should also recognize the dangers and total destruction that unlimited entitlements and so called "government equality" bring.
Excellent posts fellas! Well said and I agree.
35 years old. Work in IT (too easy to post on Rokslide). I went to college but not for IT. Married, two kids. Non-religious but spiritual. I have brown hair and eyes, 6'1", 185 lbs. Lived in MT since I was 5 minus a 7 year stint in rural Alaska in my 20's. Think basically all politicians are phony. Am not registered to a political party. I vote for every election I am able to. I do not accept blindly the party platform of either party. Can't stand Hillary Clinton. Much prefer Sanders (at least he's consistent with his views, rather the the endless pandering of every other candidate). Enjoy watching the republican clown show. I also think tax cuts for the rich are not good economic policy (history has shown that).

Anything else you want to know about me?

Thanks for the background. I'm actually just trying to understand how you arrived at your position. I find I can have better discusions with people if I understand from where they are coming. It would appear from the outside that your stance is incongruint with your upbringing, What made you arrive at the generally socialist point of view (and I'm not using the term as a pajoritive).
Part of the freedom equation is to be as lazy or ambitious as you want and accepting the associated rewards or lack there of for your decisions/actions.

The devil is always in the details. The acceptance part is the problem here.
The devil is always in the details. The acceptance part is the problem here.

I don't understand what you mean. Please explain.
When I say acceptance, I mean decisions/actions have consequences and accepting the consequences associated with your decisions/actions is a part of being a free and responsible person.
Would the word/s "enjoy" or "be satisfied with" make more sense? I think any of them would work for the point I was trying to make.
I mean there are an increasing number of people that are not willing to accept the consequences for their actions. I agree completely with your statement. To take it a step farther there is also an ever increasing number of people that consider it mean, callous, and wrong to make someone accepting of their circumstances/actions.
The 2nd amendment was written over 200 years ago, and it’s purpose was to allow the citizens the means to overthrow a tyrannical gov’t. You think that can be done today with your .223 black rifle? Since we can’t own atomic weapons what is the purpose of it? Don’t think for a minute that argument won’t come back someday. So, the logical thing to do is make sure it doesn’t. Do we need 20 round clips? Not like you are going to need one to overthrow the gov’t, but to shoot up a mall it works great. Every time there’s a mass shooting with large capacity clips and black rifles WE look bad. The NRA is at fault too (and I’m a member but not for much longer). They try and scare gun owners about “registration”. Really, you don’t think they have other ways of finding out you own a gun? You registered on this site? Ever buy a hunting license, used a credit card for ammo? So what if the anti-gun crowd wants that, stop fighting and try to appear reasonable so we can win back the public who don’t understand what a black rifle is. We don’t need to convince the anti-gun folks anything, it’s the people in the middle we are fighting for who vote. And we seem to be losing the battle every time there’s a school shooting and the NRA says the solution is armed guards.

The real issue with a majority of mass shooting is mental health which is at a crisis stage in the US. So what has the NRA done for that besides rally against Obamacare? If they really want to defend our freedom we need a major mental health reform, but that’s going to cost money so is at odds with their political base. Demographics change and I’m not sure being anti-gun is the negative it once was. When that happens we are all in big trouble, and we can thank the NRA for it’s hard line and often illogical stance. That’s why after being a member for 30 years I’m bowing out (plus the NRA pretending to be a pro hunting and conservation organization).