Executive Action

I'm not sure why the NRA is not at this meeting, and it would be nice to know why.

Chris Cox was on The Kelly Show explaining why. He said they were only going to be allowed to have one scripted question, so obviously there was no sense in going. I understand their stance.......you just can't have a rational conversation with Obama.

And Obama was pandering to all the Constitutional clueless people in the country saying that "we are not taking away your guns". Most of the country has absolutely no idea what "shall not be infringed upon" means. Just try and infringe on the potheads here and regulate that they can only buy one joint a week, and wait for the outcry. Yet, for something guaranteed in the Constitution, it's not a big deal to most people.

Funny thing is.......I am not a history buff, nor much of a reader or studier at all (like Hootsma obviously is), but even without the Constitution.......this is just all common sense to me. Independence, freedom, liberty, and God given rights just make sense. Anything contrary to those makes absolutely no sense to me, because if you follow the logic (or lack thereof) they all end in failure.
One of the gun EAs is to (emphasis added) "Remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing states from reporting relevant information to the background check system." The legal barriers mentioned are referencing certain aspects of the HIPPA law. This is a law passed by both houses of Congress and signed by Clinton in 1996. Right there, in the title, it's talking about changing a law. They are trying to get around this by having the Department of Health issue rules which expressly permit the reporting of certain parts of this HIPPA information to the NICS. It seems to me that if the president can't change existing law, then neither can the Department of Health. So, I don't really see how that's legal/constitutional.

It's going to be very interesting to see how all of this plays out.

This part is hard to believe for me. I deal with it and get training on it all the time and it's a big deal to not compromise personal information. AND YET, the president can just conveniently do away with a portion of HIPAA when it politically expedient? He's supposed to enforce the laws congress makes, not make his own laws. The arrogance he has for the rule of law and the Constitution is literally breath taking.
Chris Cox was on The Kelly Show explaining why. He said they were only going to be allowed to have one scripted question, so obviously there was no sense in going. I understand their stance.......you just can't have a rational conversation with Obama.

And Obama was pandering to all the Constitutional clueless people in the country saying that "we are not taking away your guns". Most of the country has absolutely no idea what "shall not be infringed upon" means. Just try and infringe on the potheads here and regulate that they can only buy one joint a week, and wait for the outcry. Yet, for something guaranteed in the Constitution, it's not a big deal to most people.

Funny thing is.......I am not a history buff, nor much of a reader or studier at all (like Hootsma obviously is), but even without the Constitution.......this is just all common sense to me. Independence, freedom, liberty, and God given rights just make sense. Anything contrary to those makes absolutely no sense to me, because if you follow the logic (or lack thereof) they all end in failure.

Well said 5miles...
Uh ya, most are from CO and MT...new liberal strongholds

Don't live in MT, but have spent a lot of time there spending time with in-laws and some hunting and yes, these places seem to slowly be taken over by a sick liberal philosophy. Lots of folks moving in from CA and other places is what relatives say, whole industries shut down, etc. leaving an economic mess. Living in western WA, I expect this here and fight it constantly, but it's everywhere now.
5miles, thanks for the info on the NRA absence. That reasoning makes sense. It would have been nice for a rep to be in the audience for nothing more than a silent presence IMO.

The arrogance, disrespect, and disregard for the constitution let alone the responsibility of the position is mind boggling. Obama has a right to his own opinions on the 2A and the like, but that should be on his own time. While in office he is bound by oath, constitutional law, and the bill of rights. He has no authority to enforce his free will though.

For the life of me I cannot see the department of health acting on the EA and it sticking. The HIPPA LAW is just that a law. They have no authority to change that law.

As far as common sense goes; Stupid is in the water, and too many people keep drinking from that well!
"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt" Juvenal.
Stop watching TV people. Stop bothering with meaningless game scores and such. Stop watching reality tv, stop watching TV dam it.
It is the largest reason we are in the boat we're in.
Rant over.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Propagandist
"On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invent against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice William Johnson, June 12, 1823
Stop watching TV people.
It is the largest reason we are in the boat we're in.

Blaming TV is like blaming the guns for violence. Plenty of responsible people have and use guns every day. Just like plenty of responsible people watch TV every day without any issues. It all starts with the individual. If you start with a corrupt and/or defective mind, watching TV or owning a gun isn't going to change that. And conversely, if you're capable of critical thought, logic, and reasoning ability.......watching TV and/or owning guns isn't going to change that either.
Very good point and I agree with you somewhat. I'm not on board with the gun comparison though.
TV is bombarding 95% of the public daily. I see alot of people who leave it on even when not watching just as background noise.
That constant amount of intake has to have a subliminal effect of some kind. TV/guns is not a good comparison, IMOP, both are inanimate object, neither can function with out action of an individual. Guns don't speak. TV does, per se. TV obviously effects HOW people think. If that wasn't the case then the multi billion dollar advertising industry wouldn't exist. TV does effect how society acts/thinks, guns not so much. TV does have an effect on how people view guns, those with no knowledge of guns only know what they see on TV. Lots of intellegent, critical thinking people will never take the time to educate themselves any further that what TV tells them.
With the advent of reality TV I have seen a noticable difference in what is exceptable behavior in society.
Basically it isn't the inanimate TV, it's the content. Just like collage molds young minds I believe TV does also.
With all respect,
TV obviously effects HOW people think. If that wasn't the case then the multi billion dollar advertising industry wouldn't exist.

While I agree with you that what's on TV "can" influence people, I still think that depends on the individual to start with. I'll admit it.......I'm a TV junkie, been that way since I was a kid. I am absolutely visually oriented, but hate reading. Yet, I'm about as conservative as they come, and can't agree with much of anything that goes on in the world today. And to this day.......I still don't understand the advertising industry. I absolutely hate every ad I see, and actually refuse to buy most everything I see advertised. If I didn't know any better......it would be my contention that ads turn more people away than they draw in. But I know there are a lot of easily influenced people out there, so in that regard you are correct. But again........I still believe that starts with the individual, not the TV. They can tell me the same thing over and over and over and if it makes no logical sense, then it still won't influence me.....except maybe negatively towards them.

And the key word there is "logic". Did you know that "logic", "reasoning", and "math" are directly correlated? So remember back to your days in school and how many of the kids in your class could actually easily understand math? That was a long time ago for me, yet I still remember only a very few of us (out of 30+ kids in class) that actually "got it" very quickly in every math class in school. That's a lot of people in the world today that don't understand math and logic. If people can't think logically on their own, then of course you can tell them anything and they'll believe it.......especially if it's told to them over and over.

Ok, got it.........I just proved your point. Nevermind.......carry on.
5, I can completely see how people get to "tv junkie". I wish more people were like you and could filter the content but alas thats just what it is, wishfull thinking. Everyone entertains themselves differently. It's all good.
I'm an extreme case, I used to have a TV, used to just watch the documentary stuff and history. Then I started noticing a trend, I would watch a doc on WW2 or such then read a book or 2 on the same subject and realized that even those channels where twisting the truth and history.
I gave my TV away in 2003 and to this day refuse to allow one in my house. Like I said extreme case.
I figure I can buy a tag for just about any critter with the savings per year.
Anyhow, I apologize to the OP for going off topic so much, just felt it was a symptom of the overall disease.

Episode 299. He makes some valid points.