- Joined
- Jun 6, 2014
- Location
- North-Central Illinois
The 2nd amendment was written over 200 years ago, and it’s purpose was to allow the citizens the means to overthrow a tyrannical gov’t. You think that can be done today with your .223 black rifle? Since we can’t own atomic weapons what is the purpose of it? Don’t think for a minute that argument won’t come back someday. So, the logical thing to do is make sure it doesn’t. Do we need 20 round clips? Not like you are going to need one to overthrow the gov’t, but to shoot up a mall it works great. Every time there’s a mass shooting with large capacity clips and black rifles WE look bad. The NRA is at fault too (and I’m a member but not for much longer). They try and scare gun owners about “registration”. Really, you don’t think they have other ways of finding out you own a gun? You registered on this site? Ever buy a hunting license, used a credit card for ammo? So what if the anti-gun crowd wants that, stop fighting and try to appear reasonable so we can win back the public who don’t understand what a black rifle is. We don’t need to convince the anti-gun folks anything, it’s the people in the middle we are fighting for who vote. And we seem to be losing the battle every time there’s a school shooting and the NRA says the solution is armed guards.
The real issue with a majority of mass shooting is mental health which is at a crisis stage in the US. So what has the NRA done for that besides rally against Obamacare? If they really want to defend our freedom we need a major mental health reform, but that’s going to cost money so is at odds with their political base. Demographics change and I’m not sure being anti-gun is the negative it once was. When that happens we are all in big trouble, and we can thank the NRA for it’s hard line and often illogical stance. That’s why after being a member for 30 years I’m bowing out (plus the NRA pretending to be a pro hunting and conservation organization).
I am an NRA member and will remain one, as there really is no other effective voice for the positions the NRA advocates. I am concerned, however, with the way the organization has openly aligned itself so closely with far right-wing political interests. Politics in America is about appealing to those in the middle. My state was the last to allow concealed carry. The fight to effectuate that right was lead by rural Democrats. I do not see the wisdom in alienating those in the middle or on the left who are not anti-gun and anti-hunting (there are more of them than you think)