Seems reasonable to me too. I am sure a lot of people wont like it. I am pretty sure this will keep some guns from some people that shouldn't have them and it will do it without keeping any guns from those that can have them.
Please explain to me who these "
people that shouldn't have them" are.
The 2nd Amendment gives U.S. citizens the
RIGHT to bear arms. So from this my take is that only non-U.S. citizens don't have that RIGHT. The liberals will spin that mentally unstable people shouldn't own firearms. Is that what the 2nd Amendment says? I believe it says "
shall NOT be infringed upon". How does a mentally unstable person show up on a background check? They don't. Expanding checks does nothing to change this.
Then the liberals will spin that folks that are guilty of domestic violence or are convicted felons cannot own guns. Really? Is that what the 2nd Amendment says......."except for those people convicted of a crime".
People who commit crimes are sent to prison or sentenced to probation. As soon as they are released from prison and/or done with their probation, all rights should be restored. Otherwise they shouldn't be out of prison. But they've served their debt to society and now should be fully functioning citizens of our country again.
So back to my original question........who are the background checks supposed to keep from buying a gun?
Anybody who is OK with this is either young, misinformed, or an idiot.
In the last few months there have been at least 2 cases that I know of where someone used their vehicle as a murder weapon. Did Obama come on and demand action against vehicle violence? Of course not. Yet there are many more people killed by vehicles every year than guns. Instituting national vehicle controls would have nothing to do with eliminating that.
Having any kind of gun control does absolutely nothing to address the problem. They could completely ban guns and we will still have violent people that want to do harm to others. Our LE forces are nothing more than "responders". They can't be everywhere, all the time, for every act of violence......nor should they be (we wouldn't like that). The best response is from citizens themselves at the TIME the incident is happening. I think every person should be armed and ready to act in every situation.
The problem is.........we have too many sheep in this country, too many wolves that are running rampant, and not enough sheep dogs. And it doesn't help anything when the liberals are always trying to eliminate the sheep dogs, or eliminating how effective they can be.