Since we're quoting Heller and all...
SO lets talk about two of the main FACTS from the above:
1) The decision upheld that the 2A isn't about sporting or militias. It's about an individual RIGHT.
2) The decision upheld that the 2A protects those weapons that are in COMMON USE at the time. Wanna take a guess what is the most common and most used long gun in America today and in recent history?.....yep for you to say we don't need or don't have a right to posses AR's and STANDARD CAPACITY MAGAZINES (30 rds in case you were wondering) is flat out incorrect...and frankly pisses me off!
*Also, the answer to your tired old question about why we can't have military weaponry is in there too.
Here's some other facts:
- Criminals don't obey laws...should go without any NEW laws would be broken just like the OLD ones that already infringe on our (law abiding citizens) rights.
- Still don't know what part of "Shall not be infringed" isn't understood by those who continue to try to erode the 2A.
- The new laws/EO's (which are unconstitunal by the way - both in creation and enforcement of) would have done nothing to stop the recent mass shootings that have occured...and won't stop future ones (see first point)
- If you look at the states with the strictest gun laws, you would find that the violent crime rate AND "gun violence" rate is much higher than those with more constitutional leanings.
- "Compromise" means that each side gives/receives something. As far as I can tell, we have only been giving up our rights for some time now. What have we gotten in return?
- Our goverenment is currently a Republic, which means that those in ELECTED positions are there to REPRESENT the will of their constituents. Please tell me with a straight face that We The People are being represented fairly and Constitutionally when people are voting with their pocketbooks (gun purchases at an all time high) and support for AWB's are at an all time low (
- History shows that the path we are on leads to registration, and then confiscation. It also shows that when the citizen is disarmed, the government can do as it pleases with no fear of uprising. I'm not saying this is absolutely the end game, but history does show that it excuse me for not wanting to give up more!
- Make no mistake, when/if they come for the "AR's" and Handguns, your deer rifle and shotgun are up next! It's not and never has been about the guns. It's all about control. (Case in point: Look at the stats on gun violence with handguns vs those with "assault rifles". If it was really about guns and protecting the people, then "assault rifles" wouldn't even be mentioned! It's not even statistically relevant the number of crimes committed with AR's when compared to other weapons. And if you took out the "gun violence" that was the result of gang violence, drugs, or other related crimes, you would be left with an incredibly low rate of violence done by those who aren't already known criminals.)
- Crazy people gonna be cray cray, criminals gonna commit crimes, and bad people will do bad tell me why I need to give up my rights for those rejects of society?? Why should I turn myself into a sheep and fall prey to the wolves???