Exaggerated numbers in the backcountry. Is everyone full of it?

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
What I think of when I read through this thread is who cares? I don't know why hunters want to keep knocking hunters? If dudes are getting out and spending time in the hills, I say good on them. I don't give a crap how far they pack in or how much weight they put in their pack.

We should be supporting each other instead of worrying about someone bragging or stretching the truth.


Mar 31, 2014
If it was true, there wouldn’t be “Deer Crossing” signs along the road. 😃 I used to have a honey hole that was litterly yards from the legal distance from a road. I appreciated fellas pushing animals my way going in and coming out.

‘Course it can be a little tight here in the east, just gotta read the pockets.
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
Interestingly, it doesn't seem like too long ago when it was trendy to boast about how close to the truck you bagged your animal.

I'll start. Back in 2014 I shot a nice 4x4 muley about 50 yards uphill of my truck. All I had to do was drag it downhill to the truck. It was awesome.

I shot a whitetail doe 15 yards from my car. Walked out from a morning hunt, opened the trunk to put the muzzleloader away, and this thing jumps out on the trail...sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
May 26, 2019
If it was true, there wouldn’t be “Deer Crossing” signs along the road. 😃 I used to have a honey hole that was litterly yards from the legal distance from a road. I appreciated fellas pushing animals my way going in and coming out.

‘Course it can be a little tight here in the east, just gotta read the pockets.

This sounds just like a honey hole a good family friend has he literally sits 50 yards from the road on opening morning and watches a clearing that has a trail as guys push deer up the bottom of the canyon where everyone walks in opening morning haha he’s got it figured out where all the deer run to and has paid off quite a few times for him
Aug 29, 2019
We spent a week in Utah last year chasing Mule deer and the numbers was just plain low. We glassed everyday and seen mayne 7-8 deer in almost of week.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I shot a whitetail doe 15 yards from my car. Walked out from a morning hunt, opened the trunk to put the muzzleloader away, and this thing jumps out on the trail...sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

A few years ago I had packed up my base camp on the last day of the archery season and started down the 4x4 trail. I came around a bend and there's this muley standing there. I had an either sex deer tag as an "opportunity tag" during my elk hunt. So I took that opportunity and stopped, grabbed my bow, and shot him at 19 yards. Not all trophies are hard work.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 4, 2019
A lot of it grates on my nerves- like- all these tough mudders and mountain warriors etc- just don’t know. Like in my mind if you’ve never buddy carried a casualty a click or 10 to a medevac at 10,000 feet while taking contact- you really don’t know or understand what “hardcore mountain warrior” is. And I can go on and on regarding what is “extreme” and “challenging” as opposed to “fun” and “easy” it’s all a matter of perspective and most guys haven’t got much and haven’t seen much.

But if I let myself go down that road I turn into a shitty guy to be around so I mainly let it go and try to let those guys enjoy themselves and the image they have cultivated- even if it’s based on phantasy and a really limited view and short list of life experiences

Spot on. Glad someone finally said it.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Here's a question because I really don't know the answer. With a gps, does it track the hypotenuse distance or the horizontal distance between two points? For example.......let's say you climbed straight up a cliff face with climbing gear. Does the gps show the vertical distance as distance traveled.......or only the horizontal like on a flat map? If you were exactly 1/2 mile above the ground, does the gps show different coordinates than it does for the same spot on the ground directly below you?
Aug 24, 2019
Kansas City
Frankly I like a good story, even if the one telling it is stretching the truth. This age of the internet, gps, and fact checking every little detail and being able to sit behind a keyboard and call a man a liar with no fear of reprisal has destroyed the age old art of storytelling.
Sep 23, 2017
Here's a question because I really don't know the answer. With a gps, does it track the hypotenuse distance or the horizontal distance between two points? For example.......let's say you climbed straight up a cliff face with climbing gear. Does the gps show the vertical distance as distance traveled.......or only the horizontal like on a flat map? If you were exactly 1/2 mile above the ground, does the gps show different coordinates than it does for the same spot on the ground directly below you?

I’d tell you guys how far I go- and how much elevation I gain and lose, but without a fairly advanced grasp of both trigonometry and calculus it would be very difficult to comprehend


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I’d tell you guys how far I go- and how much elevation I gain and lose, but without a fairly advanced grasp of both trigonometry and calculus it would be very difficult to comprehend

If only I was a 12th grader again.....then it would be easy to understand. You quoted me, but then didn't answer my question.


Jun 2, 2013
Didn't read the whole thread. Let's just post pics in the upcoming months. All good.
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
It is interesting to me that it is a bragging point. More times than not, covering more distance is hindering you more than aiding the hunt. I would hate to think how many animals are spooked rather than just sitting, glassing and playing "where's waldo"
I call it whorin up the woods. The federal forest I hunt is full of scouts the two days before the whitetail season opens. I don't get it.....Public land hunting geez.


Jul 7, 2013
I use to be heavy into hunting mallard’s. It’s the same deal, we use to boast about how early we got up, how many dekes we would set up, how deep or far could we go up river or in the timber, how many man limits could we shoot. My favorite hunt now a days is a dozen dekes, 1 jerk string, 3 buddies and a dog....... guys talk up there abilities any all sports. If you enjoy hiking 12 miles a day then hunt that way, if you like a base camp and day hunt out of the truck and put 5 miles on a day then hunt that way, if you road hunt then hunt that way. I don’t let any of it bother me, if it’s legal.