Everyone ready for lockdown 2.0?

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Fair enough. And what about when it becomes FDA approved? I’m not sure FDA approval will change the equation for most that are against the vax, since it’s just another government agency?
In that case, a serious decision needs to be made about whether or not your belief system is more important than your career path.
Fair enough. And what about when it becomes FDA approved? I’m not sure FDA approval will change the equation for most that are against the vax, since it’s just another government agency?
I think your wrong, many people like me will seriously consider it. The big question here is if its so safe and effective, why the HESITATION to put their approval on it?
So another question for the non vaccine people as I’m genuinely curious: If your employer said you either had to get the vaccine or sign a waiver that said health insurance wouldn’t cover any COVID related costs if you denied the vaccine, would you sign or get vaccinated?
Yes, I would sign it.
I had covid last year and it had little to zero affect.
Side note: one of my coworkers ,a 64-year-old male, had the J&J vaccine and is currently on sick leave with what sounds like Guillain-Barré syndrome. He’s heading to the mayo clinic tomorrow. Our employer is cutting him no slack. He’s having to burn is sick leave.
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You’re missing key points.

First, a pandemic spreads to multiple continents…check.

Second, a pandemic affects a substantial percentage of a population….check.
Thirdly, a nation closes its borders to those crossing it that have neither been tested for said pandemic, have verified identification, and/or required to be quarantined and monitored as to their whereabouts.
Oh, oh!!! No checks for that one!
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You’re missing key points.

First, a pandemic spreads to multiple continents…check.

Second, a pandemic affects a substantial percentage of a population….check.
Regardless if the key points are met or not, the pandemic will never be termed anything different until 2023 when the "trials" are finished for the vaccine. No pandemic and the FDA's emergency authorization goes away.
Fair enough. And what about when it becomes FDA approved? I’m not sure FDA approval will change the equation for most that are against the vax, since it’s just another government agency?
I'll take it if it passes the normal approval process, if COVID is still a thing by then.
While a lengthy 3 hours, this is rather interesting from an evolutionary biologist's standpoint, and goes through a lot of the pros and cons. The podcast in general is one of my favorite now, but this episode applies. Think a lot of people would do well to listen to it thoroughly.

Lex's podcast is great.
So another question for the non vaccine people as I’m genuinely curious: If your employer said you either had to get the vaccine or sign a waiver that said health insurance wouldn’t cover any COVID related costs if you denied the vaccine, would you sign or get vaccinated?
I would tell them, I was looking for a job when I found this one. Have a nice life, I'm out.
While a lengthy 3 hours, this is rather interesting from an evolutionary biologist's standpoint, and goes through a lot of the pros and cons. The podcast in general is one of my favorite now, but this episode applies. Think a lot of people would do well to listen to it thoroughly.

Brett Weinstein (along with Heather) is one of a few who have had multiple good podcasts, and where he has tried to synthesize the various good sources of info surrounding the pandemic into a logical presentation for the non-scientist.

Much of this info (information erroneously called debunked or misinformation by portions the US govt, big tech, & Pravda media U.S.) is from people who are suddenly called conspiracy theorists, anti-vaccers, anti-science, etc. in order to marginalize them and not to have to answer them.

In addition to the medical treatment debacle (ongoing), shut downs debacle (like shutting down schools and outdoor places but not nursing homes, etc.), playing loose with the information on masks and corona virus vaccine facts (like unvaccinated people are driving mutations, having recovered from covid means nothing, etc.), it is looking more and more like there was probably a lab leak with cover-up...seemingly just like Russian collusion where misinformation is put out covertly by govt officials (rhymes with F-ouchy), and then they use those reports as if they are independent sources that support their position.

The lab synthesis of the virus explains a lot. I doubt there will be a single main stream media report that accurately portrays these hearings in Congress, but some good info anyway.

Was flu, Sars, swine, bird, pandemics....they met the criteria...
Yes, but we can't utilize what we learn from past pandemics if our view is so myopic as to only look at total numbers of deaths today at the exclusion of all else, and when politics, ego, financial gain, a dishonest media, etc. are more important than calm reasoned action.
If we can agree that 75+ % of people that ended up in the ICU were obese, which is what I’ve read in multiple places, maybe pointing fingers at unvaccinated people that actually take care of themselves is the wrong angle. If over the last year someone has made a huge effort to lose weight, eat correctly and put their body in the best shape possible to fight covid, why is the fat slob that laid around unemployed all year being treated better because they let someone inject them with god knows what? If it’s ok to talk down to the unvaccinated, it should be equally ok to talk down to anyone overweight because without them, covid deaths would be significantly reduced.
Yes, I would sign it.
I had covid last year and it had little to zero affect.
Side note: one of my coworkers ,a 64-year-old male, had the J&J vaccine and is currently on sick leave with what sounds like Guillain-Barré syndrome. He’s heading to the mayo clinic tomorrow. Our employer is cutting him no slack. He’s having to burn is sick leave.
Dang that’s scary. My grandpa (this happened years ago). Got a flu shot and then few days later was completely paralyzed. Diagnosed with Guillai -Barre and later died from it. It’s scary when you see that it’s linked to vaccines. Obviously it’s a small percent but still. Scary I saw it first hand.
So another question for the non vaccine people as I’m genuinely curious: If your employer said you either had to get the vaccine or sign a waiver that said health insurance wouldn’t cover any COVID related costs if you denied the vaccine, would you sign or get vaccinated?
I’m not scared of covid. Never was from the beginning and still not. The few people I know that got covid had very very mild symptoms. Some of them said they have had hang overs worse than covid..

I’m very healthy individual with a great immune System. I work at a fire department. I don’t ever get the yearly flu shot. But Many of my co workers get the flu shot every year. And a lot of them are always sick. I haven’t had the flu for a very long time. I’m one of the few at the department who didn’t get the vaccine. Thankfully it’s a choice. And I’m still alive lol. Actually haven’t had any form of sickness since covid began. I think heathy lifestyle is important for fighting off sickness. Yet we have places rewarding getting vaccines with doughnuts lol
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