My DD is heat sensitive. Gus is 95lb, lean and long. I won’t run him if it much over 50 and sunny. If no direct sun, I can go to 65-70 but only a very few miles.
My Setters are smaller, 55, and less heat sensitive. But, they have such high drive they only run at full tilt so have to watch them close.
I never run out of water, and frankly due to heat and cheat grass here in SW Id, rarely run them late July to late Aug. Drives me nuts not to exercise them, though drives them even more nuts, but I just worry too much. Rest of the yr my dogs are out 2-3x week, no leash, coving ground for 1-3hrs. I’m retired.
Come Sept 15 opener, first 4-6 hunts(Chukar/huns) are shorter work outs. By the time I’m done with most of my deer/elk hunting they are in shape. Nov-Jan is ideal, also no worries about snakes.
I know two people who killed their dogs by overheating. They are the types who think dogs are just tools. I can’t handle those types.
Carry water, some sort of quick sugar(honey packets), tools for traps/snares, pliers for quills, a sling to carry, and meds for emergencies Sounds like a lot, but isn’t half what should be in your emergency kit for your elk and deer hunts.
Luckily I’ve never had to carry one, but I’ve had close calls and learned from my mistakes.
My 8yr old Setter Sophie is likely getting TPLO surgery Monday. 2-3 mo of very restricted activity. Man is this gonna suck, but man is she worth it. They deserve our best, or very close to it.