ever feel a little guilty?


Jun 29, 2013
Gucci gear is going in the rokslide dictionary too. We can even call the book "The Rictionary".


Jun 29, 2013
After reading this thread completely a couple of times I have decided to sell all of my new kifaru and kryptek gear and go back to all my old garbage that I still somehow managed to kill a pile of critters with... On second thought, screw that, cotton clothes and rocky gear suck! Chalk up another fanboy!
Jun 6, 2013
When I posted that I really don't belong here, I meant that I don't belong in the metropolitain area of Chicago, its exurbs and flat.

no limits

Sep 17, 2012
what do I win for creating a rokslide dictionary term. that's gotta be worth something. and this post is not rokslide specific, I stated "web site" in my OP not just rokslide. and I would have to disagree I would say there is a large influx in this style hunting due solely to web sites creating the hype. if there weren't pics of big fuzzy horned bucks from the high country and endless sales pitches for gear to get you there I imaging the number of flat landers no longer content with there tree stand,food plot and white tails would be considerably lower, and theres plenty in the mountain states that would have stuck with the classic road hunt too.im not trying to pick on any one its just a thought that's crossed my mind more than once, still I m pretty proud of the fan boy dust cloud I kicked up :)
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but seems to me we are getting a little rude! I was not only brought up but was told to respect others especially other hunters. While growing up if I were to bad mouth the way someone else was hunting, I would be picking myself up off the dirt. I'm old school I guess, it doesn't matter to me where you hunt,how you hunt or what you hunt as long as it's legal and ethical. I understand this generation has been brought up different than me but there still has to be some kind of hunters ethics we all live by and respect for one another. As hunters we should all stick together as one no matter where we hunt or what we hunt. Together we are strong divided we are weak!


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
He's only kidding until he isn't. Its kinda like asking a girl - your place or mine - and if she gives you the answer you want then things are good, if she calls you a creep you can say that you were only kidding. At the end of the day though and from reading some of littlbufs other posts I think he was just trying to stir controversy and he did a damn good job of it. Thats okay though, controversy creates conversation and this thread is currently the second most viewed on the entire blog, so for that, you have to give him kudos. If you knew him personally (I dont) he's probably a big ol teddy bear.


Dec 27, 2012
Laramie, WY
I have finished reading all 6 pages of this post (geez) and I still don't' know what a fan boy is. But I am going to guess it is someone who buy something just because of the name on it. In marketing terms it is called Brand Loyalty. Or it is someone who buys the "best" to walk around it in it. Still don't know but not important.

But I do get what the OP was meaning ( I think) Look at poker as an example. Before it was televised, poker was seen as a home game or a "back room" game. Now people have watched it, become exposed, and decided they are going to go win the millions because "if they can do it, I can do it." . As a result poker has exploded.

So do I think forums, tv-shows and magazines have increased the number of people in the woods. Yea. Do I think it is good thing. Abso-Freaking-Loutely It brings revenue. Makes the "sportsman" a more influential group and introduces people to something they may not have tried. But just as most have said, I don't worry about a ton of people walking in on me. There will be people that do it one year and won't do it again. They did it because they wanted to try. This is only my second year of hunting off my back. I did it last year for the first time and found great success but also learned I need way better gear than I have. It also motivated me to lose 20 lbs. I have about 5 more to go but I will be there by end of this month. So rokslide or eastmans, or (insert name here) didn't make me want to pack in to the mountain and stay, but it did give me the information that I would not have after 3-4 years living in Wyoming. So I appreciate that and tell everyone I can about this site. I am not worried about them walking in on me, because realistically I would have them walk in with me. I guess I am just as taking someone hunting as I am hunting.


Feb 24, 2012
littlebuff, the way I read your post is that you feel you have the right to be back in the badlands, but others do not, simply because they don't measure up to your perceived abilities, .

never said that or eluded to that. go read my post's (plural) again. and the coalition soldier thing ive no I dea where your coming from with that, but great obscure reference in a attempt at a slam. I can appreciate that kinda stuff


Apr 25, 2012
ill probably get hammered pretty hard for this, but what's new.

quite frankly I've seen a few that have no business being out there but they sure have all the right gear.

flamed enough with out that)

so this web site sometimes makes me feel a little guilty like im contributing to just crowding up once uncrowned areas.

Read my post littlebuff, it says, and I quote 'the way I read it'. You set out to stir members up though, you even said in the op you would get hammered, well you did, not sure why you set out to annoy people.

I know you didn't allude to being superior to others in the back country, you stated it. People having no business being there...

I don't really have the interest to re read all your posts again, once was more than enough.

I don't expect you to understand the soldier reference, doesn't surprise me really.

If I had wanted to slam you, I would have, pure and simple, I was simply sharing my thoughts, or would you prefer others didn't do that either if they differ from yours.

You have nothing to feel guilty over, I have certainly never seen anything from you that would entice anyone to push deeper into the boonies.


Feb 24, 2012
I fully understand the coalition forces and the history behind the reference. its relevance to the thread is the wtf moment. and your last post reveals a lot about your character. ironic really that you would flame me for being inflammatory. if your trying to look super smart or down your nose, you just failed


Feb 24, 2012
I tried to let Rodney say it but I don't think it worked so ...can't we all just get along ?

yes we sure can. this thread has been , as predicted, a spirited conversation and some vary valid opions and points have been made. id chalk that up to a good internet thread. what blows me away is while I may post threads that can be construed as insulting depending on how one reads them I never personaly go after or even mention names, but those that would point out how awful I am in there righteousness certainly are willing to throw some stones direct at me. if they only knew what a sensitive little teddy bear I was and how much it hurts maybe theyd stop... :)


Jun 14, 2012
There are fewer real competitors for the resources that I try to get into. A lot of people want to go sheep hunting but very few are willing to go to country that is so rough and dangerous that there is a real chance that you can die. Many want to be like Cameron Hanes but I have never seen a television personality go to country that is truly wicked. This may soon change. I hear tell that provingtrail adventures is heading into some decently tough country this year and I won't say where but for the most part lots of people brag about how rugged and rough their areas are and then you watch where they go and its easy country.

I say try because it seems that I really have only enough time to get to the country that I want to hunt and then its time to return. I get eight days for my trip this year but two will be getting into the country(20 miles)-three will be hunting the country(30miles)-and three will be for getting back to the strip(23miles) heavy. That means that if I blow a stalk or take a tumble, its tag soup but just the potential to truly hunt the wildest country around drives me forward to invest great energy into the venture. You might say gawd, that guy is a wimp. I can do 20 miles with my pack in a day on the national forest trail. All I will say is there are 6 guys who are buried up there in crevasses, under huge rockpiles or lodged under benches underneath the glacier that if alive would probably disagree with you.

I look forward to a year or two in the future when I can really do a long hunt. Try 30 days after a sheep- the ram image of my dreams. I know where the potentials are but it will be a two to four year period where I will literally have enough time to hunt it right.

The Fanboy phenomena has been great for me. Everybody in Alaska glorifies jaunts into the Brooks Range via Transporters and some of the more serious hunters are redirecting their efforts up there.

I could have gone the direction to buy four wheelers and boats but stayed directed towards backpack hunting for a long time. No regrets. Just wish I had more time. So get out there even if you have cheap stuff and maximize the hunting time that you have with iron lungs and legs as tough as rawhide. We all age and its the joints and tendons that start going first. You then notice gravity slowly starts hitting your body; and the demands of work and home slowly pull you from the ironclad workout regime. This forum is great because the heart or spirit of it says that the middle class guy with dedication and a work ethic will do better than the well-heeled dude hunter.

Best of luck folks. You are all living the dream.



Apr 25, 2012
So get out there even if you have cheap stuff and maximize the hunting time that you have with iron lungs and legs as tough as rawhide. We all age and its the joints and tendons that start going first. You then notice gravity slowly starts hitting your body; and the demands of work and home slowly pull you from the ironclad workout regime. This forum is great because the heart or spirit of it says that the middle class guy with dedication and a work ethic will do better than the well-heeled dude hunter.

Best of luck folks. You are all living the dream.


Best post so far, the above quote is right on the money, pardon the pun.

You would always be welcome at my campfire Thomas, best of luck in your adventures, sounds like you have things pretty well squared away.