Euro mount issue, anything like this happen to anyone else???


Jan 26, 2021
had my 2021 buck euro mounted, just noticed that both main beams have splits like this. Right side is all the way through. Is this common? Something that could have prevented this? Anything to do to prevent it from getting worse? Feeling really defeated because this is my first nice buck, and only mount. BBCC7858-B61E-4FA6-8EF9-9D3F4A46AE97.jpeg9CA0BFFA-0593-49D3-AE61-B3CE2BA78C23.jpeg0ABE4A2D-0653-4FBA-A75E-86BEF95B1E03.jpeg
That’s a helluva buck! No advice for you; but I believe most people wrap the antlers in tin foil to help with the heat (take this with a grain of salt as I have never done one personally, always have my done by someone that knows more than me, which is pretty much everyone)
That’s a helluva buck! No advice for you; but I believe most people wrap the antlers in tin foil to help with the heat (take this with a grain of salt as I have never done one personally, always have my done by someone that knows more than me, which is pretty much everyone)
I had this done by a taxidermist. So I would hope he knows what he’s doing. Only thing he gave me for post care was to watch the teeth and use Elmer’s glue if they get loose
Nice Deer for sure! I've had some done by taxidermists and have done a few by myself. I have not seen that before. I bleive the foil wrap mentined above is to keep the solution off of the antler least that's why I do it. Not sure it would help with dissipating the heat much. Glue is good for the teeth if they come loose. Maybe consider using wood putty to fill/help with covering the cracks. I doubt it will prevent them from spreading though. You could use some wood stain if you just want to cover up the white that is showing. Nice deer man!
I have never seen that before? I’ve done several but really no pro at it. Wonder if dropping it would cause that? Pretty crazy
Somebody boiled that skull and the heat came up the side of the pan and superheated your horns….

Write it down, that’s what happened.
I’ve done several, my reaction is same as everyone else. What state did this buck come from? When you over heat a skull the nasal canal is very delicate and 1st thing to self destruct! You can literally boil the nose off the skull.
Could it possibly be related to the mineral or lack of mineral in the density of the antler?

Love the recommendations for repairs but another alternative to repairs is an antler repair compound that dermist use for rebuild of a lost or broken point. Then use burnt umber oil paint mixed with mineral spirits. Makes authentic looking color back on the bone after repair.

Great trophy!
Very odd. Never seen that and if it was heat related the nose would seperate. Can you see if he glued the nose anywhere?
I'd tell everyone he was a fighter and not use that taxi again.
My guess would be the antlers were resting on the pot/metal of whatever it was being boiled in. Would explain why it’s in the same place, nose is still on and would of been a lot of concentrated heat.
I have done quite a few euros and have never seen anything like that that. I have not had the best of luck with others doing them so I got a large aluminum pot and a propane burner and now do them myself. There is a lot of time involved but it is worth it. Good luck with it. Nice buck!
My dad does 150-200 euros a year with beetles. I help him a bit so commenting to see what happened cause we never saw that before
I would doubt the boiling caused the crack. As if the head was over boiled no colour would have remained at the base of the antlers. I would say it’s a genetic deficiency in that particular herd of deer – Note: this is my opinion not fact – perhaps you have noticed older bucks with one antler etc., in that area after the rut.

Suggested solution is the fill the gap with wood filler, dab the finish with a damp sponge to get a stippled effect. Then coat the filler with potassium permanganate you don’t need much, use a weak solution. It will start as purple and then turns brown. The more coats you add the darker it gets.

I don't see boiling it causing it. I bet it was dropped. I would fill it with super glue and carry on.