Escouting confirmation


May 1, 2018
Nice, I appreciate that. If anyone can pick out this spot without any other info than the picture, that’s pretty wild

You would be surprised...

That's Moraine Park, just inside of Rocky Mountain National Park. The elk obviously react differently inside the park to pressure, but their needs are still the same. You may find that folks are receptive to helping mark up a map inside an area that no one can hunt. You can also throw terms like 'moraine park elk' into youtube or google to get some on-the-ground pictures and images to give perspective to terrain, identities to vegetation seen in satellite pics, and lend credence to whether or not elk are in that area (aka let the tourists be your boots-on-the-ground). Then take those lessons learned about terrain and food/water/shelter and try to apply them to where you're already scouting.

Don't overthink it, elk move across the landscape in a grand fashion. What is good today may not be re-visited until 6 months from now, so be mobile and have lots of backup plans.