Colorado high alpine hunt advice

Just pretend that you are elk hunting because when I elk hunt all I see are deer..

As for bears.. a couple years back on opening day of archery elk I ate lunch in a small group of trees at tree-line looking down over an open meadow and took a little noon time nap and was awoken by a bear that was around 10-12 feet away from me. We both stared at each other for a second and it then spun around and ran about as fast as I’ve ever seen a bear run.. So don’t discount the possibility of running in to one at high elevations.
Good luck, the later season opener instead of 20 something Aug has hurt the alpine deer hunting. Don’t be afraid to lose elevation and drop into the alpine/timber transition zones if you aren’t into the deer up high. It was mentioned about the willows turning, hope there isn’t an earlier freeze. Those deer get really tough to hunt when they leave the alpine
My advice after going on a few high elevation/wilderness September deer rifle hunts Colorado, is this- most of these areas don’t hold big bucks in high alpine basins like you dream of. In reality by the time mid September roles around the bucks have rubbed and heavy frost or dry alpine vegetation have pushed them down into the 10,000’ range where they become much harder to find. So I would adapt to the situation, if you aren’t finding bucks above tree line at 12,000’ adapt and move down in elevation. Best of luck