Elk broadhead poll

What broadhead for elk

  • Total voters
Apr 6, 2019
Taking a poll on what broadhead I should shoot for elk. Here’s the details:
28.5” draw, 70lbs, 4mm 482gr total arrow weight 3 fletch with super sabres. 270fps.
Max range, 60 yards.
you can realistically get away with any quality broadhead at your specs, which are very, very similar to mine. I've had good luck with the qad exodus, and this year will be trying trypans and deadmeat v2s.
Don't over think it, any of those will work, as will MANY other broadheads. For elk, I'm a fixed head guy, personally. QAD Exodus is hard to beat and $35/pack.
Why wouldn’t you use the other two?
I like 3-blade heads. The two blade heads with bleeders are OK, but I still prefer 3. I also shot a bull with the original Ulmer Edge 1.5" that should have worked better than it did. Quartering away shot through liver and lung with a passthrough. Bull bedded, wounds seemed to seal up, and not a drop of blood after that. The bull died, but didn't find him until later.
Been kicking this decision around myself lately. In the past I have used a sevr 2.0 which I didn't like due to deploying easily in my quiver (did have a great cut on a whitetail though) and iron wills (work good under 60 yards but a pain in the a$$ to resharpen. I have some QAD exodus but thinking of either trying the grim reaper pro 3 blade or the sevr 1.5 for my elk hunt this fall.
Speed is paramount for an expandable. Too heavy and too slow and it will not open properly (my experiance is with Rage Trypan). Micro Pro Hades with a VAP TKO penetrates like a beast. I shoot a 70lb draw with a 26.5 draw length
To finsih my thought:
I started with Maxima Reds and Trypan. It was like throughing an axe through an elk. Switched to VAP TKO with the Trypan and it slowed it down too much to the point where I got poor penetration. Moved to the fixed VAP TKO and got back to amazing penetration.
I like 3-blade heads. The two blade heads with bleeders are OK, but I still prefer 3. I also shot a bull with the original Ulmer Edge 1.5" that should have worked better than it did. Quartering away shot through liver and lung with a passthrough. Bull bedded, wounds seemed to seal up, and not a drop of blood after that. The bull died, but didn't find him until later.

Exodus holes are nasty.


I’ll be using 125gr tooth of the arrows this year. Have no prior experience though.
Q: “How did you pick your broadhead?”
A: “I did an online poll and went with the one that got the most votes.”

What? Buy a three pack of each and see which one flies consistently accurate out of your bow.
I have all three and they all shoot out to 60 with my field points.
I use regular old 3 blade 100 grain Muzzy's, and have for 20 some years. When I've put them in the right place, they've killed everything I've shot at, mostly passing through the critter. And I can still get them for less than $5 apiece when they go on clearance. Spending upwards of $40 per head boggles my mind, regardless of how good they are...