Elk broadhead poll

What broadhead for elk

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Lots of good suggestions in this thread.
I’m certainly no expert but I do believe you’re on the right track with the options you’ve listed so far.

Fixed head flight will of course be more susceptible to bow tuning issues, cross wind or hand torque.
Regardless of which broadhead you select It’s worth really making sure your bow is well-tuned as poor tuning can potentially result in decreased penetration in addition to poor arrow flight.
Proper tuning and fairly high FOC are both good things for penetration.

This year I will have three Micro Hades Pro and two Sevr 1.5 broadheads in my quiver.
Good luck out there.
I think I'm in the 25 arrowed elk range +or - to give some context so I've seen a couple elk die. I've yet to kill an elk with any of those in the list you posted. I've killed elk with Snuffers old and new, Zwickeys Eskimos 2 and 4 blade, Muzzy 3 blade i.e. old Walmart 6 in a pack type, Slick Trick standards, Mags, Vipertricks, and my favorite these days Hellrazors.

I have tracked very few elk. Most are down in sight, or I heard them crash. Blood trails are nice, no doubt, but the most important thing you can do on an elk is 10 ring them in the heart lungs. With any solid BH they are toast if you hit them there and get both lungs. One lungers are not good and it is paramount you get both from what ever angle you shoot.

Thinking back on the elk I have not recovered, only one I believe was due to lack of penetration and it was a Slicktrick mag on a quartering shot.
I've used quite a few different broadheads and am a big fan of the QAD Exodus. They look simple but possess a great combination of good flight, tough as nails and just wicked on whatever they hit (great penetration and wound channels). Personally, I prefer the 100gr swept (just have to make sure they are legal in your state)
Thanks for the votes everyone. I’ve decided on 3 QAD exodus and 3 sevr 1.5s. Hopefully I report back with good news after September
2 bulls so far with the QAD exodus. They fly great and are extremely durable
Not on the list but Wasp Drones 125gr fly very well for me, are super sharp, and come with replacement blades.
Taking a poll on what broadhead I should shoot for elk. Here’s the details:
28.5” draw, 70lbs, 4mm 482gr total arrow weight 3 fletch with super sabres. 270fps.
Max range, 60 yards.
Similar setup but I am a none of the above as well. I shoot Day Six Evo.
I have used 100 or 125 grain vented ToTAs for the past five seasons. They have been tremendous harvesting multiple elk and the broad head has been reusable. I want to try the solids out but my local shop doesn't carry them for some reason. Is there a reason you don't have interest in the solids?
Taking a poll on what broadhead I should shoot for elk. Here’s the details:
28.5” draw, 70lbs, 4mm 482gr total arrow weight 3 fletch with super sabres. 270fps.
Max range, 60
Taking a poll on what broadhead I should shoot for elk. Here’s the details:
28.5” draw, 70lbs, 4mm 482gr total arrow weight 3 fletch with super sabres. 270fps.
Max range, 60 yards.
I like the regular Tooth Arrows. Are the vented better?