Elk .243 or 25-06


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Something you’d like to say? Just like lots of manufacturers they make lower grade product lines. But they also make the Mark 4 and 5 which is military grade and Swat team quality. Rock solid never moves from where you put it. Tough as nails and warrantied for life.
Haha military grade that’s a laugh. You do know vortex got one of the last contracts. It’s a contract and means nothing. Maybe @Formidilosus can repeat what has been found by many concerning erectors and leupolds. He has lots and lots of info. Put your leupy in a fixture and see what you get for deviation as you crank on the dials.
Feb 17, 2013
Have you ever used a Mark 5 HD scope? There are other top of the line scopes but it’s certainly one of them Mr Sarcasm. Are you going to grace us with your thoughts on the greatest and bestest scope in the world or just continue with your one liners? I know guys shooting to a mile with Leupold scopes and setting records. They’re killing elk past 1200 yards. We know other guys using Barska and Nightforce. I don’t care for them probably because I was raised shooting Leupold. The Vortek… not Vortex Einstein.. is a piece of shit. The one I used anyway. 1/2 minute clicks instead of 1/4 and brightness was pathetic. The MOAs didn’t even match up with other scopes once I got out past 300 yards. I wouldn’t put one of those on my gun permanently if it was free.
Feb 17, 2013
Edit: A Vortek will be fine on your peashooter because it’s not effective enough far enough out there to need anything more.

How did I do for cocky sarcasm??? Lol 😆

Put it this way… if a client shows up with a Leupold Mark 4 or better not only do I know it will do the job every single time but it also tells me he has more than likely had his gun setup properly and done his homework at the bench. Good enough.

Bushnell Nikon.. probably an old guy. Vortex a younger guy who won’t commit 2 grand to optics because he’s been online listening to other entry level big country hunters. He probably thinks it’s the cat’s ass but that’s because he hasn’t used anything better to compare to. That’s fine it’s probably adequate for him at that stage of the game. We’ll just stick to opportunities at 300 or less which is perfectly fine.
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Sep 23, 2016
^^you do realize bushnell make some of the best most consistent scopes in the world of optics? Without even handling one yet I’d blindly take their xrs3 over anything from Leupold a line up based on their previous models. Guess I’m an…… old guy?


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Edit: A Vortek will be fine on your peashooter because it’s not effective enough far enough out there to need anything more.

How did I do for cocky sarcasm??? Lol 😆

Put it this way… if a client shows up with a Leupold Mark 4 or better not only do I know it will do the job every single time but it also tells me he has more than likely had his gun setup properly and done his homework at the bench. Good enough.

Bushnell Nikon.. probably an old guy. VorteK a younger guy who won’t commit 2 grand to optics because he’s been online listening to other entry level big country hunters. He probably thinks it’s the cat’s ass but that’s because he hasn’t used anything better to compare to. That’s fine it’s probably adequate for him at that stage of the game. We’ll just stick to opportunities at 300 or less which is perfectly fine.
Sarcasm is still average….

What is a vortek I can’t even find them on google.

Sheep ranchers have been killing shit at 1100 yards since the 60’s I would hope the leupy would be able to just hope they don’t spin the turrets a bunch.

The thread that just keeps on giving
Feb 17, 2013
^^you do realize bushnell make some of the best most consistent scopes in the world of optics? Without even handling one yet I’d blindly take their xrs3 over anything from Leupold a line up based on their previous models. Guess I’m an…… old guy?
Which line of Leupold? Maybe a VX1 or 2. Bushnell is still in business? Wow. Guess I’m a young guy? What about a good ol Weaver fixed 4 power? Perfect for those no recoil guns!


May 29, 2019
^^you do realize bushnell make some of the best most consistent scopes in the world of optics? Without even handling one yet I’d blindly take their xrs3 over anything from Leupold a line up based on their previous models. Guess I’m an…… old guy?
I don’t think you're off. I like the bushnel products but not near as much as I like the performance of the Leopold products. And to be honest, I haven't actually picked, looked through or used a Bushnell product optics wise in.....ever?

Not true, my favorite little range finder for archery has been a Bushnell. Until I got my new little vortex and it works phenomenal.

I would entertain getting a bushnel,, but would be hesitant to know that it will actually perform in frozen, 0 degree snowy weather.

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Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
I’m honestly curious… what’s your scope of choice?
Depends on which application.

If money no object I like the tangent theata 3-15 from my little time behind one.

Light weight the nf 2.5-10 has been good.

Shot some kahles and s&b and would not be scared of them.

The bushnel and super sniper are winners. The Lrs that bushnell teamed with George Gardner of GAP to design is damn near bullet proof. Some haven’t but I have good luck with razors.
Feb 17, 2013
What bullet are you using?
200 grain Nosler Accubond. Partitions are like wrecking balls but the lead tips get deformed and they don’t fly as well as the ABs. Bergers fly really nice but they’ve had some failures hitting bone so I don’t use those.
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Nov 20, 2021
Indian summer, its heresy to say Bergers have failed on bone...
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Not A Moderator
Oct 22, 2014
Here’s your bone hits with a 6mm today- with a whopping 708 ft-lbs of energy…. WAY beyond what anyone would think possible.

Entrance directly through rib-

In the middle-

Exits through ribs and into the “dreaded shoulder”-

Completely breaking the “shoulder” at the humerus/scapula junction. Scapula pulled back-

Head to the top right, “shoulder” pulled up from bottom. You can see the exit out of the rib cage on the bottom, and inside of the scapula on top-

Can’t be done. Need a magnum to give a margin of error….
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Nov 20, 2021
Congrats on a clean harvest! Broadside through the ribs there isn't an animal that can survive that. Good shot placement. Breaking the scapula on the far side is icing on the cake. If the shot is a bit off and hits the scapula on the near side, or was quartering on the top of the front leg knuckle the same result could be expected to take out both lungs on the former and reliably get the heart or lungs on the latter from your experience? Not argumentative, asking seriously.
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Feb 17, 2013
Yes… any half decent bullet will work when it’s placed properly. Unfortunately that’s not always the case. Elk go unrecovered from improperly placed bullets that hit bones heavier than a rib, or hit no bone or vitals and just don’t do enough damage to incapacitate the animal quickly enough to recover or get a follow up shot. My .30-.30 barely kills deer but if I double lung an elk he’s going down. If I miss the mark he’s going down….. downhill fast and far.

My brother hit a deer dead center in the chest with a .32 one season. Deer did a summersault and my brother decided to eat his sandwich before getting dirty. When he was done he slowly walked up over a small fide to see the small buck eating! Hit the lungs and killed it. We found the first bullet just under the hide perfectly mushroomed up against the sternum. Not enough energy. Guys talk about the placement and incredible performance of modern bullets. But they don’t perform as designed or penetrate without sufficient energy.

I don’t take pics of dead elk after I peel the hide back but if you saw the damage from a 200 grainer doing 3600 fps your jaw would drop. Not on the offside either… right at the entry. From there it gets even more devastating. Not necessary on double lungers but on what is technically a miss it still does the job or at least gives me a second chance. Nothing walks away from that! Nothing.


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
My brother hit a deer dead center in the chest with a .32 one season. Deer did a summersault and my brother decided to eat his sandwich before getting dirty. When he was done he slowly walked up over a small fide to see the small buck eating! Hit the lungs and killed it. We found the first bullet just under the hide perfectly mushroomed up against the sternum. Not enough energy.

How much energy was needed?
Nov 20, 2021
Indian Summer, absolutely. Shot placement is everything with any cartridge or caliber. For when everything doesn't go right, larger calibers and/or well constructed bullets do that for me.

I'm gonna bite, energy isn't the main measure for me. And I think that's where you're going with that as well, sndmn11.

Two parameters are proper velocity at impact to ensure expansion, and momentum to carry the bullet through to reach vital tissue.

In a 6mm or .257, in my opinion, controlled expansion or mono need only apply as animals are not predictable and humans are not perfect each and every time the shot is released.
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