Electronic hearing protection brands

I have these Sordin Supreme Pro-X SFA (HEAR2 + SFA 31 dB), I’m not sure what my expectations should have been, but they don’t preform as I had hoped.
Stay away from the ShotHunt hearing protectors. If you forget to take the batteries out they get stuck in the unit and the cost to have the battery removed is $250 per side. Basically, you are buying a new unit. The batteries will swell enough to get stuck in less than a week. I know this from bitter experience. I have purchased a pair of the 3M Peltor Tactical TEP-200 plugs as a replacment.
Another vote for the Axils. Pretty comfortable, good stereo representation on enhancement, and plenty of noise reduction for all calibers I shoot up to braked 300wsm.
Wondering if you guys have any opinions on electronic hearing protection? I'm looking at a brand called Tetra. With Tetra, you can buy specific to your kind of hunting (like Upland or Waterfowl or Elk), or you can get some that are really expensive, but cover big game/small game, etc.

Anyway, I shot at a bird a couple days ago and the shot rang my bell pretty good, left ear got all muffled and weird, been ringing since. Assuming it will clear up, from some research i understand this is called "temporary threshold shift" but starting to think it's time i bite the bullet and spend the $1000+ and buy a pair. Some HOA's will cover (I don't have one, but that may be a possibility for some). I've had ringing in the ears for years, you'd think that would have been enough to get me to buy them, but some of us are slow learners!
Don’t bother. They are garbage. I have a set and I have had to send them in twice because they stop charging.
They don’t really block the sound and the sound that comes out of them is a high scratchy sound that sounds awful. The worst $2500 I have ever spent.
Peltor tep300 for hunting and prs use here this year. They seem to do as good as my previous Otto noisebarrier with my msa sordin over the top. I still double up with muffs atop my tep300 shooting rifle matches, however once off the rifle and on glass between stages I just wear the in ear.
Update on the 3M Peltor Tactical TEP-200 plugs. I have been using these for about a month now, including five days straight of bird hunting in Canada and seven days straight of elk hunting here in Colorado, wearing these an average of eight hours per day with a maximum of about 10 hours. Weather has ranged from 15 to 60 degrees F with rain and snow thrown in. Number of shots per day ranged from zero elk hunting to about 30 duck and grouse hunting. So far I am quite satisfied with them. For me, they are as comfortable as anything else for all day wear. These are rechargables and I have yet to have them die while using them. They will shut down automatically after two hours, but you get a warninig before they do so and you just have to tap the volume control for them to stay on. The volume conntrol is a button that is usable even with heavy gloves and there is a tome to indicate the volume level as you adjust them. The case is the charger and they can recharge from a USB or from the internal AA batteries in the case. The sound blocking felt as good as or better than any other hearing protection I have used, and subjectively seemed close to or equal to foam plugs and muffs combined. While the fidelity is not perfect, it is still good enough that I was able to hear a grouse running in leaves 30 feet away from me. Given that I have a permanent hearing loss in the high range and moderate in the mid range, when on the maximum setting the fidelity seemed equal to or better than my ears without protection. Based on my use so far, I would definately buy them again. As a side note, I wish I had never purchased my previous ShotHunt hearing protectors, they were almost twice as expensive, much more fragile and finicky, and crapped out after a year.
+1 for the Walkers earbuds. They are very comfortable and convenient vs. over the ear muffs (especially when it’s 90+ degrees outside)