Nov 7, 2012
I have read a lot about these and I think I would like to try them in my 280ai. One thing I gather though is that it may be better to go heavy for caliber with them. Would a 150 be too light or should I stick with the 162?
They do OK, I'd vote heavier is better as they are relatively soft. I've shot a few critters with them and they all died, but the bulelts tend to shed the jacket. I did have one come unglued on a 150yd shot on a caribou. Past 300, the hold together and zip right through.
I don’t have any first hand experience yet but I have a 280ai being built now. I plan on trying the 162’s and 175’s. Depending on the accuracy I get out of them I’m gonna shoot the heaviest bullet I can. Like you stated, with that particular bullet heavier may be better. I’m tagging in for the responses. Good luck whichever route you go.
I shot a mule deer with and ELDX last week 300PRC 212gr at 575 yards. He didn't go 2 feet. In behind left rib and touched hide at neck on right side. Bullet retained a great deal of weight. I haven't weighed it for exact amount.
Two days later I shot a coues at 400 yards with the same load. Dead in his tracks. In behind third rib and out opposite neck - didn't recover bullet.
Man I love Mexico! AND the ELDX!
I have run 150's [AccuTips, not ELD-x's] in my 7mm RM, but prefer the 162 ELD-X's for a variety of reasons. If I reloaded, I'd probably bump up to 175 and jump to the 28N to get away from the belt.
Good for paper but fell apart in 2 different elk. This was in my 300wsm and 162grain.
I run eldx’s in 3 of my rifles, all 30 cals.... 178’s for 308 win and 200’s, 212’s and 220’s for 300 rum. With my procedure, tools, components and rifles they obtain single digit es and sd’s and are not difficult to find loads. Validation of hornadys bc’s has been correct with tools utilized for calculating dope at all ranges up to 1 mile. Confidence every time i touch trigger, the reason why we hand load ammo? Only shot muley bucks and blacktail bucks from 8 yards to 800 yards and they ate well. Personally i dont have any reason to load anything else because they achieved/meet my demands. Good luck.
The 162 ELD-X is the one bullet I have the most experience and time with. I load it for my 7mm Rem Mag. My rifle loves these bullets and I have a great deal of confidence in them. Every time I take my rifle out and shoot these I am still so impressed at how well they buck the wind. They also kill deer and antelope very well in my experience (no elk kills yet), one shot kills being the norm. Provided one aims for and hits vitals and not a shoulder. I would've probably tried the 175s too but my barrels twist rate won't stabilize them.
I shot 400 lb cow elk at 265 yds with 150 ELD-X from my 280 Rem a couple of years ago. She took a few steps and collapsed.

Bullet performed well, direct impact on rib on entry (left in picture), punched through opposite side.

I think I'd go with 162 ELD-X for 280AI.


Both were inside 100yds not sure on velocity. I know it was a tough ask but I never had an acubond turn to dust. Making the move back to acubond or maybe try out a hammer.
Both were inside 100yds not sure on velocity. I know it was a tough ask but I never had an acubond turn to dust. Making the move back to acubond or maybe try out a hammer.
I'm not surprised at those ranges and suspected high velocity at impact.

I use 200 ELD-X in my 300 WSM; 150 ELD-X in my 280 Rem/7mm-08; 162 ELD-X in my 280 AI.

ELD-X is a cup and core bullet. Not as tough as bonded; can't take the higher velocities. It is meant to fragment to an extent versus simply mushroom. It is slightly tougher than the ELD-M.

If you were shooting at longer ranges I guess a 162 ELD-X from 300 WSM would be fine...once velocities were below, say 3,000 fps (-ish).

Just my $0.02
Couldn't pay me to run another ELDX through an animal I planned on eating, they are so damn explosive. Hit a bear behind the shoulder steep raking shot at 300 with a 143 ELDX that blew a pop can sized hole out the other side of his chest, blood shot the entire off side shoulder. Shot a buck right behind the shoulder and same thing, bullet fragments everywhere.

Can't for the life of me figure out why the ELDXs seem to be so frangible and the ELDMs are absolute hammers. Put one of those through a bear's shoulder this fall and had a clean pass through with just the right amount of carnage, no crazy bloodshot meat loss.

Have read all kinds of reports identical to mine, which led to the switch to ELDMs in the first place.

I'd start there and save the headache!