Eggs are expensive. Have you changed your breakfast because of it? What are you eating?

Even at 10 bucks a dozen for eggs....that's chump change to anyone with a decent job and especially anyone paying PROBABLY 200 bucks a pound on average for their game meat, if not more when it's all added up. Nobody complains about 2 bucks for a 20oz bottle of purified tap WATER. PLEASE...stop bitching about NOTHING. Whether it's bird flu killing chickens or drought killing crops, the farmers and co-ops have to pass the cost on......for once. Eggs punch way above their weight when it comes to nutritional benefit.
Average people when they disagree with the people or party in political power: :mad: Why is everything so damn expensive?!?!?!?!
Average people when they agree with the people or party in political power: :love: Who cares about high prices anyway?
It is obvious to me that most of the people that I have ever spoken with have no clue how the economy works. And that's saying something because I am an idiot who has no clue how the economy works.

The price of eggs will not limit my 2025 hunting and fishing trips. However, if the egg prices at some point cut into my vices then I will definitely piss and moan about the price…
The price of eggs will not limit my 2025 hunting and fishing trips. However, if the egg prices at some point cut into my vices then I will definitely piss and moan about the price…
Hunting is a vice? Now those are real fightin words. :mad:

Fishing, yeah, I agree, that's a vice. 😁
Even at 10 bucks a dozen for eggs....that's chump change to anyone with a decent job and especially anyone paying PROBABLY 200 bucks a pound on average for their game meat, if not more when it's all added up. Nobody complains about 2 bucks for a 20oz bottle of purified tap WATER. PLEASE...stop bitching about NOTHING. Whether it's bird flu killing chickens or drought killing crops, the farmers and co-ops have to pass the cost on......for once. Eggs punch way above their weight when it comes to nutritional benefit.
Every year I actually look at what it cost us to put game meat in the freezer and it's never been more than $5/lb. The goat this year was sub $2/lb.
Like others have mentioned, I walk out to the coop to get eggs.

Get your tin foil hat out, fellas. Our local farm coop is supposed to be breaking a story through local news about the postal service all holding chick deliveries to the point of delivering dead chicks. I’ll post the link when (if) the story comes out.

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My sister owns a food truck that makes crepes. She goes through a ton of eggs. Like hundreds of eggs a day. She budgets pretty well, but is feeling a pinch right now for sure. Eggs are one of the most important ingredients in her business.
We've wanted to get some chickens anyway and this is a good excuse so we are speaking at the city council meeting about allowing chickens in town but our city is kinda it will go exactly nowhere, I'm Sure.
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I can write off fuel but I can’t write off eggs……yet🤣
Every year I actually look at what it cost us to put game meat in the freezer and it's never been more than $5/lb. The goat this year was sub $2/lb.
Mr Kelly,
How do you break up the cost of the plane into your x/lb? What are you factoring in and not factoring in?

I like to do the same. I go pretty in depth though as I make $1200 a day at work so if I’m gone moose hunting for 10 days including travel that’s $12,000. It never pencils out for me for x/lb.
We've wanted to get some chickens anyway and this is a good excuse so we are speaking at the city council meeting about allowing chickens in town but our city is kinda it will go exactly nowhere, I'm Sure.

Can’t blame em tho. Nobody wants to get woken up to roosters crowing every morning. As most people get them also. They do around here. Especially when they aren’t theirs.

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Chicks are in at our local feed stores, one bag of feed a month and our food scraps feeds our 8 chickens. I buy 2 or 3 new chicks a year to replace old hens and we get 2-8 eggs a day depending on season.