Eggs are expensive. Have you changed your breakfast because of it? What are you eating?

Should we discuss the reason for high priced chicken eggs?

Millions of birds were slaughtered because of Bird Flu?

Why doesnt Bird Flu affect ducks, geese, etc, and only chickens?
Its kills a bunch of snow geese some years more than others. I dont believe killing whole flocks is a way to fix this problem
Hasnt really changed for me or my wife. We generally only eat a couple eggs a week and maybe use a few more for meals. I would bet we use less than dozen a week.

We have talked about getting chickens and maybe we will here soon. For us its the having to take care of them and the cost of eggs are worth paying to not have to. Wife is going to be staying home full time in the next couples months, maybe that will change.
Should we discuss the reason for high priced chicken eggs?

Millions of birds were slaughtered because of Bird Flu?

Why doesnt Bird Flu affect ducks, geese, etc, and only chickens?
you should see all the white left in a field when a grind of snow geese leaves that field out here. They are dying by the thousands.
eggs are going to be least of our worries. I just heard a prediction that gas will be over $10 a gallon by July. Vehicle prices are going to skyrocket as will almost everything else. Gonna get a little interesting.
I doubt that. if i know anything about the new boss, he prides himself on cheap gas.
Whackadoodle Nevada legislature a few years back outlawed anything except “free range” eggs, which have chickens outside in huge moving pens in more contact with wild bird crap and more likely to be impacted. Recently that law was suspended. lol

I’m sure some chicken nuts cried that the pens would no longer be moving through pastures outside and now have a concrete floor again.
Oh crap, I called a whackadoodle law whackadoodle, does this constitute a political post?!? Well, if that freaks out the moderators it’s been fun knowing you guys. Taper died on the free range chicken hill.
Eating more Deer and Elk sausage but still try to eat a couple a day. The weather is getting better and the days are getting longer so the roadside places should be coming back around soon.
From a logistics standpoint You can’t kill off part of a commercial farm flock. It’s either all or nothing.
Doesn't mean it isn't a problem or doesn't effect other birds.

Have whole flocks of domestic birds all died because of it or could you let it burn through the flock...what dies dies an what doesn't may have immunity and pass it one through reproduction? Or do we kill the flock too fast to find out?
Oh crap, I called a whackadoodle law whackadoodle, does this constitute a political post?!? Well, if that freaks out the moderators it’s been fun knowing you guys. Taper died on the free range chicken hill.
Every time a thread gets political and has to be slowed down, it’s you who’s posting…
We have enough hens to eat all the eggs we want, sell enough to cover most of the chicken feed. Plus the wife really enjoys it.
Every time a thread gets political and has to be slowed down, it’s you who’s posting…
lol - sorry you’re such a big proponent of free range eggs. I call stuff out on both sides to interject some actual thought based on facts into topics - always have, always will. You know if you block me I wouldn’t feel bad whatsoever.
Eating more Deer and Elk sausage but still try to eat a couple a day. The weather is getting better and the days are getting longer so the roadside places should be coming back around soon.
They are starting up again in my neighborhood. I can't wait for the duck eggs to be back.
Right around Christmas my wife sent our youngest daughter (20yo) to the store to buy eggs because the egg lady's hens weren't laying. When my daughter got home, my wife was going over the receipt and about lost it when she seen that the daughter paid $9 for an 18 pack. My daughter shot back, "when was the last time you bought eggs at the store?"
Nope, have not changed here. Sam's Club is still $8 for 2 dozen.

PA had a bunch of Canadian Geese die from the flue and saw a bunch of snow geese died in the Finger Lakes region as well. Also saw last night a cat contracted it from being outside.