Eggs are expensive. Have you changed your breakfast because of it? What are you eating?

Invest in some laying hens if you have the space.
I havent bought eggs in years. I eat 6 or so a day. With the spike in price I have a feeling the chick's will be hard to come by as they should be hitting the stores any day now.

Super low maintenance IMO and can supplement feed with grazing or table scraps etc

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There's a local farmer who goes to my gym. He has about 50 chickens and sales me a dozen eggs for $5. I buy 3 dozen every Tuesday.
A 25 lb bag of steel cut oats at Winco is only $19. That’s only about $.14 a day for the amount I eat. The best breakfast bargain I know of. I’m still waiting for any prices to come down. Lol
The pasture raised eggs at the store seem immune from price fluctuations, they were $6 before covid, all during it, and still are today. Sometimes they are cheaper than the cheap eggs, they are in a different part of the store so I guess people buying the cheap eggs never notice that the fancy eggs are cheaper.

I get a good portion of our eggs from people I know locally around here, nearly 100% in the summer and maybe 1/3 in the winter when laying productivity goes down. They have stayed consistent at $5 for many years.

If eggs doubled or tripled it would not change what I eat. At current price of $.50 each I eat about $2 worth most days. If that changed to $6 its not going to make or break me. I guess if they get into similar cost per unit of protein to steak I may rethink that.

The avocado I put on top of my eggs at breakfast still costs about as much as the eggs.....
Bought the expensive eggs at Costco this weekend. They made it home and then my two year old got a hold of em. No more expensive eggs.
between my wife and 2 oldest daughters we eat 6-8 eggs for breakfast if we are just eating eggs. Less on pancake, waffle or French toast days. Mostly on weekends as weekdays it is oatmeal, steel oats, cereal of some sort, or just a couple pieces of toast.

So we go through 1-1.5dozen a week. 2-3 dollars more has no effect on our budget. There are other things we could cut out that would make a larger dent. Not like having chickens is less expensive for most people once you factor in a coup, fencing/netting, feed, time, etc.
Bought the expensive eggs at Costco this weekend. They made it home and then my two year old got a hold of em. No more expensive eggs.
hahaha I got some groceries a couple weeks ago...while loading up the back seat a car pulled up to park in the spot I was standing in loading from. So I quickly grabbed the last two bags and swung them around to put in the truck...SMACK. Of course it was the bag with eggs in it that hit the side of my truck.
My wife has a source for eggs from a co-worker that has a lot of chickens. We get a couple dozen from her whenever we run low and exchange the cartoons with her. She hasn't changed her price for several years - even now. Much better than store bought.
No place for a coop so I pay what ever the price is. I don’t even look so no clue what they cost. We buy 3 dozen at a time.

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