Eating TSS ammo

Garrett Pin Pointer. Pricey but cheaper than a crown.
I never knew or considered. I’ve been thinking about this alot lately since I’ve been eating so much bird lately. Always careful and searching when trimming, but always seems I miss one or two. Especially those 9 or 10 TSS’ers!

Seems like a good X-Mas gift too for those who could benefit.
Never had much of an issue chewing on TSS. Most travels through and I am carefull to shoot for the head. Lead on the other hand always seems to stick around.
Never had much of an issue chewing on TSS. Most travels through and I am carefull to shoot for the head. Lead on the other hand always seems to stick around.
You have a turkey choke, or full chock ?? I chomped on another TSS pellet last night. My teeth are not happy..
Maybe you could try Turky Salad. That way you could shred the meet and find any left over pellets.
I heard various things about chokes and TSS ammo. I use a full choke. Others have said Turkey chokes are too tight for TSS. I also use a 20 ga, and the Turkey goes right down. Not even 1 step.
As mentioned above in another a pin-pointer metal detector. They are pretty cheap on Amazon. I use mine cleaning my waterfowl and upland. Works like a charm plus you can use it as a "I dropped some nails on the lawn."-WW
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Others have said Turkey chokes are too tight for TSS.
Those folks are lying to you or just don’t know better. Also, TSS doesn’t just blow through turkeys like stated earlier. I find a good bit of it in my turkeys, if I shoot them at longer distances.

I started shooting TSS for the distance again. If every turkey I shot was inside 30 yards, I would still be shooting copper plated lead. TSS is pretty pointless for close shots.

I shoot a 20 gauge in an 870 and 1187. Both with 21” barrels and IC 555 chokes. I’m using 1 5/8 oz of #9 handloads. I get 300 pellets in a 10” circle at 40 yards with my 870 and 350 pellets with my 1187.
Found 2 in the turkey this year. Wife got one on the first bite. Luckily I just said, watch out for shot and no damage was done.
Try chomping down on a simmons broadhead.....wait, you won't. The bow is a better tool. It keeps the dentist out of the may end up at the therapist when the damn bird flies off with $40 worth of arrow though.