This is purely a hypothetical question, but due to the "what ifs", here is the scenario:
You and your partner are coming down the mountain in the dark after glassing. You hear a loud noise that sounds like rock fall. Suddenly, you are hit by a tidal wave of rocks. You wake up to find yourself in the treeline and are busted up pretty badly: broken bones and what not. Your pack (which contained everything important) is nowhere to be seen, presumably Buried in the rockslide. You find your rifle, but it is busted up and unuseable. You find your partner with a huge boulder on top of him. He (and his pack) are completely crushed, however, 3 of his 4 limbs are sticking out. You have no way to contact anyone for help and you can't walk. However, you figure you'll be found eventually. You have a puffy, a pocket knife, enough duct tape to close the wounds and a lighter. You also manage to recover a salt and pepper shaker that must have spilled out of your partner's pack as well as a cracked jar of Cholula hot sauce. What do you do?
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