Easton Deep Six FMJ

Hey guys, wondering if I can shoot a 400 spine in these new deep six FMJ's. I've got the new carbon Spyder turbo. 28" #2 cam arrow length at 26 3/4". Seems like I'm always right on the border between 400 and 340 per the charts. Do you think the 400 would tune well?
Ka, I havent got my hands on these shafts and also have not got an update to the software for D6 FMJ. But I hear through the grapevine that FMj's act slightly stiffer. I'm sure some other guys will chime in here with a little more knowledge of the FMJ's. If you are right on the line between the two you might want to think about the stifffer shaft....this might give you more options up front so you can play with foc. If you are right at spine then you are usually limited what you can change up front. Personally, lancaster sells them per shaft. I might buy one of each then do some testing through the bow and see which spine shoots the best for you before committing to the price tag for a dozen
Thanks VCB that's a good idea to pick up just a few of each to try before spending the money on a dozen.
did they ever finalize what spines they are going to come out with in these?? I would love to shoot a injection size arrow but i dont think they make a spine stiff enough for my 80# turbo
Hello all, I seem to be in the same situation as ka, I seem to be on the border between 400 and 340s. I shoot a 27.5 draw 65-67lbs and this is the response I got from Easton tech support:

"Thank you for your support and interest in our new Deep Six FMJ. After Reviewing your set up and assuming that your arrow cut length will be around 28 inches I would recommend you shooting a 330 spine. However, if your cut length is 27 inches or shorter I would consider the 400 spine."

Please respond with any more questions or concerns.

Thank You,

Tech Support (D)

Just thought I would pass it along.
Just an FYI these are starting to hit shops now. We received our first partial shipment the other day. Running right around $180 a dozen. Also the regular all Carbon injexions have went down in price.
I ordered a dozen last night online. Going to build three or four using the AeroOutsert from Firenock and see how they fly compared to my current FMJ's.
Just an FYI these are starting to hit shops now. We received our first partial shipment the other day. Running right around $180 a dozen. Also the regular all Carbon injexions have went down in price.

That is a lot of dough for a dozen shafts... I love my axis and couldn't imagine spending twice the amount.
Just an FYI these are starting to hit shops now. We received our first partial shipment the other day. Running right around $180 a dozen. .

Just to be clear, are you talking the Deep 6 FMJ's as seen here?

Or the Deep 6 Injexion FMJ as seen here? (Can't find this arrow on Easton's site for some reason??)

Does anybody know the GPI of the Deep 6 330 FMJ Injexions ?? And where a guy might be able to buy a couple shafts at this point? Lancaster has a mid April ship date. I would like to get my hands on a couple for spine testing sooner then that if possible.
Just to be clear, are you talking the Deep 6 FMJ's as seen here?

Or the Deep 6 Injexion FMJ as seen here? (Can't find this arrow on Easton's site for some reason??)

Does anybody know the GPI of the Deep 6 330 FMJ Injexions ?? And where a guy might be able to buy a couple shafts at this point? Lancaster has a mid April ship date. I would like to get my hands on a couple for spine testing sooner then that if possible.

I think this the link your looking for kinda confusing since it doesn't say injection on the Easton website. If you look at the Spine and GPI it is different then the normal FMJ's and the spine matches lancasters description.

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The 330's are 11.0 gpi

I got mine on eBay. Lancaster's was the only place I saw that was selling individual arrows rather than half or full dozen.
I like them so far.

I'm shooting the 340 Injexion with the gold VAP outserts and Vanetec Super Spine 3 inch vanes. The outserts weigh 50gr. Finished arrow weight is 498gr. They group really well and last weekend finally got out the fixed blade heads. Both ST magnums and Razor tricks were hitting with FP's out to 50 yards.

They are hard on targets. The only thing I have that will stop them is a Rhinoblock and Delta Speed bag.