East Nebraska Meat Hunt?


Mar 15, 2021
Howdy all, hoping you can help a new hunter (and new Nebraskan) out.

I've read almost everything I can find on here and several other forums about deer rifle season in the Husker state and it honestly sounds pretty grimbones - especially here in the eastern part of the state (I live near Omaha).

My goal isn't to score a massive buck with a bunch of points; that'd be cool and I want to one day, but my main goal with taking up hunting is to become more self-sufficient. To feed me and my family with meat I hunted next to vegetables we grew.

The advice I'm seeking is this:

1. Is there anywhere within 2 hours of Omaha that I can rifle hunt? I've looked the Nebraska web atlas over and it seems everything is shotgun only. Am I missing something? Do I have to travel five or six hours to find a diy rifle hunt?

2. I do have a shotgun, but it's a Mossberg 500 with a 18.5 cylinder bore for the house. I've read that they can be effective with rifled slugs out to 50 or so yards, but before I go hunt down some ammo, has anyone here personally had success with a "home defense shotgun" in the field against big game?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

Update: Bought a bow, which really opens up my location options and expands the hunting season. No treestand still, so I'll be groundstalking. Probably trying somewhere along the Missouri or Platte rivers.
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Aug 11, 2018
I’m not familiar with hunting around Omaha, but I’d imagine any public land is going to be a fairly challenging hunt.

Although a slug gun is very effective at killing deer, you do have better options on weapons in this state.

I’ve heard of a hunting club called Big Red Outdoors that sells memberships to access private property. I’ve never looked into it, but perhaps it could be some benefit to you.



Mar 2, 2017
Yes, there are public land options within 2 hours of Omaha that you can rifle hunt. Keep in mind though, that the closer you are to the big metro areas (Omaha, Lincoln), the more crowded public land tends to be. Also keep in mind the rifle season is only 9 days, with the majority of the tags OTC, in a state with only 3% of its land being public (I think Nebraska is ranked 47th as far as % of the land that is public). Not trying to scare you off, just making sure you're setting realistic expectations from a hunting pressure standpoint.

Feel free to message me with any questions about the regs for specific areas (I live near Omaha, and hunt public land all over the state).


Mar 15, 2021

I came by Big Red Outdoors in my search for hunt clubs in the state - at the time, I was hoping to find a group to help show me the ropes. I always appreciate suggestions, and Big Red looks like they could score you an epic buck! I'm sure it's well worth the money, but I can't drop north of 2.5k right now unfortunately.

I know private land is probably the better option, but being new to the area I'm not sure how best to go about making friends with farmers haha. Back home in the Deep South, folks could just come round and knock on doors and ask to hunt or fish.

@jrm02 I've seen the dismal situation of public hunts talked about often. The orange armies that fill the hills and valleys and the symphony of gunfire that goes on for the first part of that opening Saturday. I think my favorite advice I've seen so far is "wear lots of orange and maybe some kevlar".

I can't message right now, unfortunately, I have to be a member for over a week and get a certain number of posts, but I'll definitely tap you for knowledge. Like I said in the op, my goal is food, not a trophy. I'll gladly take a doe and intend to try for late season antlerless as well. Does this open my window for what is "realistic"? What would you suggest in general to help me fill my freezer?

I appreciate y'all's time and effort.
Feb 26, 2018
Game and parks did start a "antlerless hunter database" that connects landowners with hunters that want to just shoot doe. Not sure how well it works, but would be worth a shot! There is also a river antlerless tag, that allows you to hunt an early rifle season in certain areas (I'm not sure if this is open on public land or not, need to check regs). Talk to coworkers/friends/knock on doors, you may be able to find access private land that way. Most landowners are pretty open to allowing people to hunt doe only. Hunting public land for deer around omaha/lincoln does not sound enjoyable. It will hold animals, but it gets used hard by all types of hunters September - January.


Mar 2, 2017

I came by Big Red Outdoors in my search for hunt clubs in the state - at the time, I was hoping to find a group to help show me the ropes. I always appreciate suggestions, and Big Red looks like they could score you an epic buck! I'm sure it's well worth the money, but I can't drop north of 2.5k right now unfortunately.

I know private land is probably the better option, but being new to the area I'm not sure how best to go about making friends with farmers haha. Back home in the Deep South, folks could just come round and knock on doors and ask to hunt or fish.

@jrm02 I've seen the dismal situation of public hunts talked about often. The orange armies that fill the hills and valleys and the symphony of gunfire that goes on for the first part of that opening Saturday. I think my favorite advice I've seen so far is "wear lots of orange and maybe some kevlar".

I can't message right now, unfortunately, I have to be a member for over a week and get a certain number of posts, but I'll definitely tap you for knowledge. Like I said in the op, my goal is food, not a trophy. I'll gladly take a doe and intend to try for late season antlerless as well. Does this open my window for what is "realistic"? What would you suggest in general to help me fill my freezer?

I appreciate y'all's time and effort.
If your goal is any deer, then yes, your chances are certainly better for filling a tag. It's a 9 day season, so you'll have pressure for the length of the season, especially close to Omaha. However, pressure should subside a fair amount after opening weekend, so I would focus on hunting during the week, or the second weekend. Don't be afraid to hunt/scout opening weekend, to figure out what areas are seeing the most pressure.

River antlerless tags are only good on private land, but as was mentioned, if you're only hunting does it can be easier to get permission on private (especially during the late-season antlerless-only season in January)

If I were you, I'd consider taking up archery or muzzleloader hunting. You'll still have pressure, but it will be less (but you will still have pressure from deer, upland, and small game hunters), and your seasons are much longer.


Mar 15, 2021
@Skerhunter I had not seen the database before, but I found it and will definitely give that a go. There are surprisingly few names on there, I wonder if farmers use it? Only one way to find out I suppose.

Say I wanted to get away from the immediate Omaha pressure, Lincoln is to the West, but I've read about how fantastic southeast Nebraska whitetail hunting can be. Cass and Otoe County aren't very far, but I wonder if it's far enough to not be stood on top of.

@jrm02 That really breathes some optimism into what was coming to sound like a real pain. Would love to help some farmers with doe problems and help me have a freezer of meat. Skerhunter put me onto a registry of hunters who were after antlerless and could be contacted directly by folks who want help. Like I was pondering, I wonder how far I need to get away from Douglas County to see a dip in the pressure.

Thank y'all again for the wisdom and info. Good to have folks to ask about these things.
Feb 26, 2018
For rifle season there is going to be a ton of pressure wherever you are. Lot's and lot's of people out looking to bag a thirdy pointer. Drive to the other end of the state to the bigger pieces and you will just run into out of state hunters and guys trying to get away from omaha/lincoln. But, they shoot a lot of deer! Like jrm01 said, hunting a different season would help the most. Rifle is during the rut though, so anything can happen.

I hope the registry works out for you!


Mar 2, 2017
The antlerless registry was designed as a tool for landowners to find willing hunters to remove excess deer on their property, not as a tool to open up private ground to hunters. I know it has lead to some folks gaining private access to shoot does (both long-term and short-term access), but I wouldn't bank on gaining access through that registry alone. I have been signed up for years, and have never received a call....with that said, you should certainly sign up. Worst case you never get a call, the best case you gain access to some private land.

As Skerhunter pointed out, no matter where you go in this state during the November rifle season, there will be hunting pressure. If your dead set on rifle hunting, pick up an antlerless tag or two for a unit, along with a November rifle tag. You can hunt the November season, and if you still have unfilled doe tags, you can try and fill them during the January antlerless rifle season.

Good luck!
May 28, 2013
I’ve never hunted the eastern half of the state, but have done quit a few hunts on the western half. In all of the public land that I’ve hunted, I haven’t been anywhere that you couldn’t fill a pile of tags quickly.


Mar 2, 2017
I’ve never hunted the eastern half of the state, but have done quit a few hunts on the western half. In all of the public land that I’ve hunted, I haven’t been anywhere that you couldn’t fill a pile of tags quickly.
Not trying to pick a fight, but OTC public land hunts, and "fill a pile of tags quickly" generally do not go together. The harvest data also doesn't bear that out. Nebraska rifle season success is typically around 50%, archery/muzzleloader under 30%, and antlerless around 40%. Overall success in 2019 was 45% (I don't believe 2020 data has been posted). That's for the entire state, a state that is 97% private. They don't break down (nor do they collect data on) private/public land success, but I would imagine public land success is lower than private. Will you see deer on public land, yes. Will you see other hunters on public land (small game, upland, deer), likely yes, especially during November rifle. Will you have a fun hunt chasing deer and exploring new areas, likely yes, as long as you go into it with realistic expectations.


Dec 10, 2015
I’m also not so familiar with the eastern part of the state but I hunt the south central portion and south western portion of the state every year for turkeys and whitetails. If you are just interested in filling tags for meat on public land, i think you would have a decent shot at it. I’ve been hunting out there for about 10 years and I have never failed to fill a deer tag out there. The age structure, especially on public land, is really young. I see a lot of year and a half old deer. You have to be willing to hunt the pressure and not the deer, come rifle season. There’s just too many people out there on public land. Find a funnel or travel corridor escape route where other hunters end up pushing the deer to you. Or if you have a hunting buddy, take turns doing very targeted drives on thick cover.

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Dec 17, 2020
Go pick up a cheap crossbow and hunt before the rut. Should be fairly easy if you're just looking to fill a tag. Once the rut hits up there the public is a zoo.


Mar 15, 2021
Update. Caved and bought a (used) bow. Strings need replaced but the frame is sturdy and it came with all the bells and whistles.

Hopefully this negates the need for a blaze orange kevlar vest and plate carrier! I'll be looking into locations along the Missouri or Platte rivers close to Omaha. If I was willing to deal with the pressure of rifle season, hopefully the pressure of bow season will be manageable too.

Still interested in this being a meat hunt. Happy to take young bucks and does and still interested in all the advice.

Thank y'all for encouraging me to get a bow. Did it in on the recommendations of the community here.


Mar 15, 2021
Gonna go check out the Schilling WMA outside Plattsmouth. Every bow hunter from Omaha probably swings by, but I can't really afford to be driving out 3 hours to be set up before light.


Oct 16, 2023
Gonna go check out the Schilling WMA outside Plattsmouth. Every bow hunter from Omaha probably swings by, but I can't really afford to be driving out 3 hours to be set up before light
Just saw this in 2023 how did this go for you? Im in the same situation as you were two years ago