E15 Gasoline

Because ethanol is energy negative meaning it takes more actual fuel from oil to produce than ethanol it creates. Ethanol adds to energy dependence on other countries

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This. Ethanol makes us less energy independent.
Wait a minute, I thought E15 was bad for the environment and that's why it isn't used during the summer?

Wait a minute, I thought this administration was all about saving the environment?

Wait a minute, their polling is so far underwater they just go whichever way will get them a few votes?

What a cluster**ck of an administration.
It's unlikely that this country will return to the good old days of maxxed out oil production.
We’ve never maxed out production. Just because it’s a boom doesn’t mean we’ve maxed out. After the last boom they mothballed or destroyed a lot of equipment.

You want the economy to come back? Drill and expand rigs but don’t go overboard and kill the prices. There’s a lot of jobs associated with the industry.

8.5% inflation is probably closer to 18% but the rules always change for calculation to fit the narrative. Yay gubmint.
He needs to stop the BS and reverse his anti American policy and encourage us to be energy independent again. He won’t and that is why the left is going to lose handily in the fall.

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Good luck with that and tell that to the auto manufacturers that have already made huge investments and commitments to EVs.
If'n we use up da corn for fuel, we wont have enough ta feed all them there cows. Now we gots to reduce heads which means we's reducin farts and that helps the climate dontcha know. Before you knows it, they will have us ranchin electric cows with no emissions. I mean they done figgered out how ta git milk from an oat and a almond, dont tell me they cant figger a way for us'ns to be running emission free cattle.
LOL!!! Don't forget one of the by-products of ethanol production is "distillers grain" which is used in feed
Because ethanol is energy negative meaning it takes more actual fuel from oil to produce than ethanol it creates. Ethanol adds to energy dependence on other countries

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Not if we also increase domestic production of oil as I've already stated multiple times. Burn our ethanol and burn our oil!
Wait a minute, I thought E15 was bad for the environment and that's why it isn't used during the summer?

Wait a minute, I thought this administration was all about saving the environment?

Wait a minute, their polling is so far underwater they just go whichever way will get them a few votes?

What a cluster**ck of an administration.
Agree 100% and I would argue that the ban on summer production was more to give oil producers an edge during prime travel season than any actual environmental damage. It's all a bait and switch.
Ever notice how many ethanol supporters live in Iowa?
Ethanol is the lesser of two evils my friend. I have an ethanol plant down the road a few miles that employees around 60 good people with families. Most are like-minded folks from Western Iowa that vote red, and these are good paying jobs.
Not if we also increase domestic production of oil as I've already stated multiple times. Burn our ethanol and burn our oil!
That's not how it works- it takes more fuel to create ethanol than you net, uts an inefficientfuel source, hard on auto parts and fuel lines and doesnt work well in marine applications. There is literally zero reason to burn ethanol as fuel. The only reason we do is to justify making far too much corn and keeping a lobby happy.
All the extra corn should be given away to dictators who lack food but have extra oil oozing out of the ground or converted into a crop with sufficient demand

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Ethanol is the lesser of two evils my friend. I have an ethanol plant down the road a few miles that employees around 60 good people with families. Most are like-minded folks from Western Iowa that vote red, and these are good paying jobs.
They're government welfare jobs subsidized by other hard working Americans

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They're government welfare jobs subsidized by other hard working Americans

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Agree to disagree. Private companies own the ethanol refineries. The men and women in these plants dont get paychecks signed by the government and they work their asses off on the swing shift- 6 weeks of days followed by 6 weeks of nights. Don't insult their grit or effort just because you disagree with policy.

If you have such a problem with subsidies, perhaps you should grow all the grain you need and make your own food. If not, hold your nose and grab the same box of cereal we all buy that comes from farmers.

I'm not a farmer btw, and I hold the subsidies and "we can't let them fail" welfare programs in as much contempt as the next taxpayer. However, if you think you can do it better than the farmers in this country most would trade jobs with you in a heartbeat.
That's not how it works- it takes more fuel to create ethanol than you net, uts an inefficientfuel source, hard on auto parts and fuel lines and doesnt work well in marine applications. There is literally zero reason to burn ethanol as fuel. The only reason we do is to justify making far too much corn and keeping a lobby happy.
All the extra corn should be given away to dictators who lack food but have extra oil oozing out of the ground or converted into a crop with sufficient demand

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Dude, I know how it works. I know the negatives of ethanol production. I freaking live here, do you? How much ethanol have you ever used in your vehicles? How many actual issues related to ethanol have you experienced? Or are you just spouting out dogma from what you've read online?

I can tell you I've lived in Iowa my entire life and used ethanol in vehicles that probably shouldn't have. What's been the worst things that have happened? Corroded fuel lines in a 2000 Chevy farm truck with 200k miles and corroded sending units in a couple fuel pumps that forced me to read the odometer instead of the fuel gauge. IF you ever see any harm from running ethanol it will be from older vehicles. If you run it in a 2-stroke that's your bad as most if not all advise not to.

I've put more than 500k miles on vehicles in Iowa in the last 31 years, and most of those miles had some amount of ethanol in them. I never had a motor fail. I never had a vehicle spontaneously combust. Good grief, by some of ya'lls rationale you'd think ethanol makes vehicles melt like warm butter.

I've not said one time that ethanol is the answer, but it is still better than nothing and its made in the USA.
If you run 2 strokes or small engines there is a great app called Pure Gas.
Pure Gas lists gas stations that carry ethanol free fuel.
Someone who knows about this stuff told me today that ethanol production is running a 95% or max and no one is going to invest in any infrastructure to make more on biden's word.. So in the end this may all be just pure hat and no cow.
Agree to disagree. Private companies own the ethanol refineries. The men and women in these plants dont get paychecks signed by the government and they work their asses off on the swing shift- 6 weeks of days followed by 6 weeks of nights. Don't insult their grit or effort just because you disagree with policy.

If you have such a problem with subsidies, perhaps you should grow all the grain you need and make your own food. If not, hold your nose and grab the same box of cereal we all buy that comes from farmers.

I'm not a farmer btw, and I hold the subsidies and "we can't let them fail" welfare programs in as much contempt as the next taxpayer. However, if you think you can do it better than the farmers in this country most would trade jobs with you in a heartbeat.
No disrespect intended, but you can’t agree to disagree on things that are factually based. That is reserved for matters of opinion.
Ethanol plants here are constantly opening and closing and changing names. One don’t even produce it anymore , they railcar it in and off load to their tanks. As a gas hauler our work basically doubled when ethanol came about because the ethanol has to be trucked into alot of facilities that don’t have rail spurs were we load gasoline. “Eco friendly stuff”
No disrespect intended, but you can’t agree to disagree on things that are factually based. That is reserved for matters of opinion.
What part of @amassi's statement was based on fact? Poet biorefining is not owned by the state or federal government. It is owned by private investors. The folks working at the ethanol plant are not state or federal employees, and their paychecks are not distributed by a government entitlement program.

I think at least some of the Iowan's on here would say you disrespected their family members that work in any part of agribusiness, as according to you and @amassi since they work in ag they're all working "welfare jobs subsidized by other hard working taxpayers". Don't you think these folks pay the same taxes you do? Hell, that's not limited to Iowa either. Ya'll are dissrespecting every person on here and their family members that work at a co-op, feed mill, fertilizer plant, seed dealer, custom spraying company, and other ag sector jobs. All those people work for or with farmers, so I guess they're all working welfare jobs subsidized by other people?