I wasnt sure about posting this question in this particular forum but regarding the duplex hauler I've ordered... will it carry an "oddball" load like a summit climbing treestand on the rare occasion I will use one?
Hammer0419... I do Agree I'm sure I can shed 1.5 lbs myself before complaining over the frame. But I also hunt in similar terrain.
Not to say the bikini frame don't sound very promising.
I wasnt sure about posting this question in this particular forum but regarding the duplex hauler I've ordered... will it carry an "oddball" load like a summit climbing treestand on the rare occasion I will use one?
The only person I know of who has used both extensively is Aron and he has stated that the bikini is MORE comfortable that the duplex with over 100lbs. He also stated that it is about as strong and will carry well over 100lbs without issue. I don't know of many people who can pack more than what the bikini can carry so whats the point in buying a new heavier pack that gains no pefomance advantage and is less comfortable ? If I'm buying a new kifaru pack ( bikini on order ) then it's going to be a bikini.