Duplex UL Review


Jan 25, 2014
Got my 26" Ultralight Duplex a few weeks ago and have put some miles on it. First impressions, out of the box were that I really liked what I saw, and whoa is it light. I run it with cargo panel and pockets down the inside and outside as a day pack that'll carry my bow protected and rain gear on the way up, and that I can put a full game bag in on the way down. For my longer trips with clothes and food and a bunch of stuff, it's my Duplex Gen2 and EMRII.

First trip was just to carry it light and see how it sat with the arrow stays instead of the curved composite in my other frame. Along the way, I came along the beach and found some perfect rocks for my fly tying picture light box. I had an empty pack, so I figured I'd load it up. Ended up about 37 lbs for just at 5 miles. Only 37 lbs, but carried like a champ. My days of carrying 100 lbs of moose are over, so I took the gamble going with the arrow stays. I wasn't worried so much about monster loads, as I was the flatness of them. And for me (big ass, standard curved back) they weren't an issue in the least. You can feel them if you bend over or kneel down, but no pressure or discomfort at all. I think it has to do some with the (feels like) bigger lumbar pad. That thing feels bigger and better! I love it. It pushes the arrows out away from my back far enough that they don't press on me. Another thing I noticed is that the belt buckles fee like they lock down better than on my other frame. Maybe just an impression, but they do lock down nicely. Awesome frame, feels great, carries well and it with the CP are doing exactly what I bought them for.

The only, and I mean the ONLY thing that was a bit of a let-down was the weight. Advertised it's 2.75 lbs, and mine on my bow scale was 3.4. Maybe it's just the fat-boy size belt I have on there. I dunno. Not a big deal and with the CP and pockets I'm still a lot lighter than my Gen 2/EMRII. I'm happy.


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Aug 20, 2014
Thanks for posting your thoughts on the frame, always nice to read someone's perspective, especially when you're out actively using it.

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Jan 25, 2014
I think it's perfect for what it is, and what the Bikini was; a lightweight alternative to what can be a freight hauler. If I was doing a moose hunt and didn't have a Barney's and a Gen 2 Duplex, I'd still choose the Hunting Duplex. But for a guy not hauling 100 lbs, this is your frame. I really like how the frame sheet makes it feel like a solid piece, but still super light. Not that Kifrau doesn't normally do well, but they did really well with this frame.