Dry feet thread

Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
I've run Crispi West Rivers (Scheels exclusive) for 2 seasons of big game and upland bird hunting. They've not leaked yet and are in amazing condition. I clean them and get them warmed up by my wood stove then apply protectant (Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP Leather Preservative) and let it absorb. Other than a barbed wire scrape here and there, they look and feel great. Extremely comfortable boots.
Mar 6, 2013
Schnee Beartooth are the only boot that hasn’t leaked on me. They are old and are still what I depend on when I know it’s going to be really wet.

Lofty socks help a ton. Darn Tough are the opposite of lofty. My feet sweat and I have been much happier, comfortable and drier in all conditions with a coolmax liner and lofty socks. Changed mid day if I’m super sweaty or the boots (Lathrop’s, but they fit great) leaked in the morning. And dry dedicated sleeping socks at night like MT Worden.