Driving to Colorado in a Civic to hunt elk

I took my first elk home in the back of my civic (cow) and it worked just fine. Take a tarp with you to lay down and you should be good to go.
Anything is possible! I was trying to find a picture of that small car with a big bull strapped to the top.....no luck.
I used to drive to elk hunts in a Corolla, and even put several elk in it. Just debone the meat and put it in the trunk.

Forest service maps should indicate the quality of road that you intend on taking. Well-maintained gravel roads should be just fine.
You won't need the roof rack, cause here is an alternate way to haul a bull back to Texas.


That's a Montana license plate on the Dodge Colt. I laugh every time I see this one....
You can definitely do it!

I hunted out of a 2 door Saturn for years and was able to fit a full deer in there without a problem. Even though I have an SUV, I still take the Prius hunting and fishing as much as possible (cost is about 1/4) and it allows me to get out way more than I would otherwise - just need to make sure you can find a non-motorized area.

This hit home - had to blog on it
Just drive slow...

Just make sure that when on those less than paved roads that you drive slowly and carefully. I took a FS road in VA this past spring on a turkey hunt at around 35 mph. It was a fun drive but the pothole I hit wasn't, especially when it snapped a sway bar. I was able to drive to our campsite and then the four hours to get home, but it cost close to a grand to get it fixed. :mad:

So, yes passenger cars can be used on back roads, and I've seen lots of them over the years, just drive at a reasonable pace and watch out for road hazards. Then use the quads God gave you when you get to the trailhead.

Good luck and do as I say not as I did. :rolleyes: