I’ve hunted the Monroe. Here’s my thoughts…. It depends what you want out of the hunt. Will it mean more for you to just kill any bull on your own? Or kill a big one?
If you just want to kill a bull, you can DIY. Especially on that unit. There’s a lot of elk. You’ll see multiple bulls every day. Shouldn’t be much problem filing that tag if you can hike and glass.
But…. If you want to make the most of that tag and likely kill the biggest bull you’ll ever kill, hire a guide.
I initially was really drawn towards DIY because I thought it would feel more meaningful to do it on my own.
But then both practicalities (packing out at 10k feet elevation on my own!!) and hope that I can really make the most out of it with a guide persuaded me otherwise.
My hope really is that I will learn more from going with a pro than just stumbling around on my own and still harvesting a bull. Most likely the next many years I wont draw a unit this good and mostly will be hunting OTC in Washington. So stumbling around and hoping for still finding elk won't cut it there.