Double elk kill

My son and I did, plus his friend had killed one there just hours earlier on the first day of archery season. After taking the friend's elk in that morning to hang in the butcher shop, the question came up; how long will it be until that place is good to hunt again. Obviously it wasn't long.
I've been a part of two. Both were late season cow hunts. Two years ago I took a new hunter to a spot where I had killed elk before. He had two tags. He killed his first ever animal and thirty seconds later killed his second. Last year i went back alone and with two tags and killed two more. It took 3 days and 40+ miles of hiking to get them out. Might think twice about doing that again.
I have seen a few videos of multiple guys killing elk one after another out of the same herd.

How often does this really happen and have you ever been a part of a double?
Yes I have. Can't remember how many times I've done it, but usually I only have one tag available to fill.

We kill bulls out of the same herd regularly. But not always on the same hill, at the same time.

Knowing the areayou are hunting is something that can help with success.
Tripled up on elk in SW Colorado twenty years ago with my Dad and Uncle. Early five day rifle season with either sex tags and my first ever elk hunt. Hunted four days and no one had seen a single Elk. Around lunch on the last day we were hiking into a new area of very rough country for last evening hunt and I looked across about 150 yards and saw a cow standing. I propped on an aspen and took the shot. It looked like I kicked over an ant pile with all the elk that started running. I stepped back while my Dad and Uncle each propped on same tree and shot cows. All three fell within a 10 yard circle.

It was all high fives and back slapping and then the realization of the job ahead of use sunk in after the adrenaline wore off. Took two solid days to pack it all out and it was all on our backs. About a 8 mile round trip for each load doesn't sound too bad but it was a haul for us. My Dad and Uncle haven't been back in years and it's still one of my best memories
Done the double or triple almost every year it seems. Me and a couple buddies regularly take multiple animals out of the large late season herds we hunt.
I tell everyone my buddy and I shot two cow elk at 550 yards.
Mine was 50 yds and the group stopped running at 500 yds so my friend dropped one with his 30-378 Weatherby.
I shot a cow and a 5 point bull in about 30 seconds a few years back:

Shot the cow first from about a dozen at 230 yards with my 7-08.


Watched her jog about 15 yards, wobble and fall. Looked back and a 5 point came out of the trees wondering what happened...big mistake, same rest...both of my elk tags filled.


Pack out wasn't bad...long mile one way.

Been in on lots of lots of doubles with each hunter shooting one, usually late season cows.

Most I've seen shot is 3 at one time a buddy got 2 I shot 1 from the same bunch. Could have shot more if we had more tags.
Several Times. The first time my friend and I came up on a small herd and he said he'd take the one i the back and I took the next one up. He counted to three and we shot.

The best one I've seen though happened six years ago. I guy we were hunting with shot a cow and while he was cleaning that cow a Bull from the same herd came up the trail, and he shot that one as well. It was the before ten the morning of the first day of 3rd season and he was finished.
I’ve doubled and tripled on elk. Two bulls right before dark in 2012 one was a 312” perfect 6x6 the other a rag 5. Shot 3 cows one a buddies the other two mine in under the 15 seconds in 2015. Could of pulled another cow double in 2017 at dark but I was dealing with a serious injury after I shot the first. Funnest double I’ve ever been a part of was a double on two fighting mule deer bucks though. They died on top of each other. The old big buck ran away directly towards us and my friend Started yelling at me to shoot but he’s 6’3” and was in front of me so I didn’t see the deer barreling toward us. As soon as he dumped him the younger buck saw the old buck stumble and ran up and started goring his body. Was the most exciting 15 seconds of my life.


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