Dog names

D.J. Diana junior named after my wife Diana. She is a mean little (female dog).
Catahoula with a little plot.

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Blue, the Slovakian Wirehair and Abby,the Pudelpointer. Prior to these 2 jokers were Wilson, the Weimaraner and Murphy, the Griffon.


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Large Munsterlanders ‘Nova’ and ‘Juice’ the spotted girl.
Great hunting/pointing/retrievers and willing companions on squirrel, grouse, duck, crane, otter, caribou, wolf, black and brown bear hunts.
My best friends.


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Marshall - F2 Goldendoodle.


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I’ve got lots/had lots. All kinda names. Some of my favorites are/were my kennel name than

Rabbit Snuff (Snuff)
Hot Pursuit (Hotpur)
Country Music (Country)
Chili Dawg (Chili)
Blueberry Wine after the bucking bull (Blue)
June Cash (Cash)

There’s lots more but those I remember. Cash and Country still here. All hounds obviously and my daughters named em mostly.

pic of Cash at 7 months w a bud and her first rabbit. Prob woulda whipped her if it turned around. She’s been in one field trial and placed 2nd. A good bitch and still under 2


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Same with some of the other hound guys I have had a lot! But some favorites are

Dude- Cameron/Smokey river
Ducky- littermate todude
Reggie- Cameron/Smokey river
Hippy- litterMate to Reggie
Pudge- mini schnauzer
Snoop- Smokey river/Les Mitchell bred
My current dog, Birch. Before we got him, I was trying to explain to my wife what color Braunschimmel was and I told her it was kind of a mixture of light grey and dark brown like a Birch tree, and the name stuck.

He's a DD and is 6 Months old in this pic, now 8 months.
I've had Chase - Chocolate lab
Sis & Bud - male and female Weimaraner's - tip of the hat to the Urban Cowboy
Currently have Ruby - Chocolate lab
Adler ( Eagle in German)
Duncan (Dark hair warrior)
Sammy (Sammy Hagar)
Lucy (Xena Lucy Lawless)
Sunny (Sun Valley,ID)
My healer mix i had to put down last october cus bad hips. Was named tinkerbell. We called her tink most of the time. My german shepard is rajah. It was my daughters dog who’s name is jazmond. So she had to give her that name. We tried to help tink lst as long as possible. Pulling her in the wagon for walks right up to the end.


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I named my last two labs after beautiful black women Halle Berry and Tyra Banks

even have a goat named Steve nicks because she’s a little grey and Stevie in real life is Baaaa’d
Our two current dogs. Willow who is a GSP. Then there is Grizwold the Deutsch Drahthaar or Griz for short. We were going for a name that was a mix of sophistication because of the beard and a mix of wild beast. He lives up to the wild beast part a lot more than the sophisticated part. Before that I had a beagle I named Copper because of the movie fox and the hound.

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I’m picking up my new puppy on Saturday! We’re naming him Axis (after the deer). He is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.8BB905C1-47DE-4B63-8E2F-267F4D7BFF3F.jpeg
My boy is Wyatt. Wife and I keep kicking around the idea of a second one. I said I’d only agree if we could name him Doc.