Doe's still yarded up

Oct 3, 2017
Too far east
Last night just at dusk, I drive into a local road. Back road, 5 acre field on 1 side. 8 doe's just yarded up, hanging out together in the field. Not a buck in sight. See a few rubs on the tree line, not alot.

I'm thinking another 2 weeks the doe's will be dispersing when they are chased. But to see such a large # of doe's, and no bucks... there must be a trophy hunter around town.

Such a disparity of bucks to doe's. or is it normal to see them yarded up this time of year...
Normally I see a mama doe, with 2 fawns.. but not 7-8 doe's together pre rut.
Jun 7, 2018
South Carolina
Depends on the deer density in your area I guess.

Our property has a tremendous doe problem. We're started to work on that and killed 10 does to 1 buck last year. During the polar vortex back in the Middle of January, 5 of us hunted that coldest day in the afternoon. Four guys on food plots and I was in one of our morning stands in Long Leaf Pines just to see what I'd see. Between the 5 of us, we saw between 45-48 deer, with only 3 being confirmed antlered bucks (all young at that).

That being said, may need to start working on your does. Too many does around = reduced movement from the mature age class bucks.


Feb 17, 2018
To me "yarded up" has more to do with specific location in thermal cover for winter, not whether they are in a group or not. Depending on how far north you are your deer may never truly "yard up".
But, depending on buck to doe ratio in that area it can be very normal. My state has generally moderate to exceptionally low deer density, and they manage for a 3:1 doe to buck ratio in order to allow for a pretty high harvest % of the total population. In some areas I believe the ratio is even higher. So it's very normal for me to see a family group of a doe and a couple fawns this time of year, and no bucks. Every so often I will see a couple doe groups on the same food source--an ag field, or something that is a local "destination"--resulting in 6-9 deer, all antlerless, all together, without a buck in sight. Around me this is the norm, not the exception. Antlers are something of a rarity in relative terms.


Mar 2, 2014
ok, why is that normal? Where are the bucks ? I know I have a few monsters on camera, but even my cam pictures are mostly does.
Bucks are around. Bachelor groups in summer, obviously. They've really started showing up the last week. Light chasing and harassing of does going on every morning now. Nothing serious as the does appear to just be standing their ground and giving the bucks dirty looks.
Feb 26, 2018
ok, why is that normal? Where are the bucks ? I know I have a few monsters on camera, but even my cam pictures are mostly does.
Does are hitting food sources in family groups now getting ready for winter. Ag fields have been harvested so they will be more concentrated now.

Bucks are getting ready for the rut plotting out what doe bedding areas they will pillage starting end of next week. They are moving mainly in the early AM hours before sunrise.

If you want to find the bucks now you want cameras on rubs/scrapes. Best bet to shoot one is evenings between where the doe bed and feed - still in cover not in open fields.

Any cold front from here on out will produce more movement in daylight, but they won’t be harassing does consistently for another 10 days.


Mar 30, 2023
Around October 12th I saw 21 deer in about a two hour sit. 14 of those were doe in one large group feeding and playing in an alfalfa field bordering on uncut corn. Definitely a couple family groups. They all eventually moved off into the corn. Six other doe in two groups of three, mom and fawns passed closer to me and likely ended up in that same corn after dark. A single buck came out in the alfalfa field after the large group left. He was 440 yards away.

I have been seeing one doe now running by herself for the last week, so since the 17th/18th she has been solo. Seems a couple buck, all young ones, are cruising already. The big guys are still all nocturnal. I figure I have until about the 28th of October before the rut starts to warm up. Temps were great for a week here (South Central PA) with overnights in the mid to upper 30s... now it's back to 50s and daytime highs of upper 70s to 80. Typical peak rut time here is generally November 4 to 10.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
yarded up?

Deer do that when there is lots of old doe and two female offspring with two fawns each is 7. That is just a deer family unit.

Mentioning the state your in may also help with getting responses.