Good result on a pretty risky gamble made more so by being in remote rescue country. I doubt I would have bet on black if red would cost me my life but it panned out for ya. I suppose if your going to go to the great wheel in the sky it'd be better to do it while sheep hunting. Nice ram!
Way to go! You took a chance and it paid off. I can relate... to a degree.
10 years ago I drew DCUA walkin with a buddy. One day on a run my knee hurt, then I could'nt run, barely able to walk home. Doc says meniscus surgery. No way, I've got a DCUA tag in my pocket. If I get surgery I'm not even recovered by the opener, not to mention no chance of getting in sheep shape. 6 mile mtn bike ride, 15 mile hike one way, 2 rams, 12 days. Knee brace, advil, sore knee, we made it, whew. Had surgery a month later.
Funniest story-------I'm an Ear, Nose, Throat doc in Atlanta. I also have been on several sheep hunts. Fellas, think how rare that is, and ENT in Atlanta that sheep hunts. Anyway, about 4 years ago, a local banker came to me after an acute onset of vertigo. Nothing new, see tons of that...... He says, I am in a crisis situation. I'm going on a hunting trip to Alaska for "dall sheep", then he proceeds to explain to me what a Dall Sheep is. I ask him to step into my office/trophy room, complete with mountain goat and dall sheep. He's blown away. His vertigo subsides (no thanks to me) and he hunts to within almost bow range of an almost legal ram with no vertigo problems. Quite by accident, I scheduled this years Dall hunt with his guide from that hunt.
doubt I'll see that happen again
most of my patients that I discuss hunting with, revolves around tree stands and whitetail hunting