Do you hunt solo or as a group?

It varies.

If I want to be out in the field but don't care if I kill, I'll hunt with someone else to help them out. This could be an acquaintance or something like helping out on a Junior hunt.

The bulk of my hunts are solo. This can be by choice, target species dictates it, scheduling conflicts, etc.

For 1-2 specific individuals, I will group hunt with them for any species anywhere in the world.
Solo for me unless I’m hunting with one of my kids. Those hunts look very different to my solo backpacking trips, but both are rewarding and fun. I don’t love the idea of a hunting partner out of state for 7-10 days for a variety of reasons.
I wondering which you guys tend to do, and the differences in your opinion of each.

I don't have a hunting group so few times I go, its exclusively solo and usually turns into more of a camping trip than hunting.
If I’m hunting my tag, solo

I hunt with others a lot, but I’m never the shooter if I’m with others. I have pretty much always been that way, and prefer it.
Both. Archery and upland birds mostly solo. Sometimes cousin and I team up in archery but we are usually a couple of miles apart. Rifle season is mostly a mix also. We end up doing a lot of driving in rifle season on the weekends. The group is family and close friends. So on weekends I’m the main dog leading the drivers. The main reason for that is I’m usually the only one capable of reading a map. My brother can get lost in his living room. It helps to get everyone a deer. Try to have the guys who filled tags drive, those who need a deer stand. During the weekdays I hunt solo.
Mostly solo. All my friends I’d hunt with live in other states.

The kids are just starting to get old enough to tag along a bit more and hopefully my wife can start hunting more again too.
Both. And probably about an equal amount of days solo v.s with a partner. It varies some from year to year depending on a number of factors. Hunting frontcountry and "sidecountry" for deer, turkeys and bear is quite enjoyable, often (but not always) preferred. Hunting deep backcountry for elk while solo gets questionable even though I've done it before and probably will do it again. -having help with the logistical aspects as well as having some accountability on hunts that will invariably turn into grindfests.

Back east, since dad and gramps are gone, I'm pretty much solo. I stay at camp with 5-6 buddies. But, while I cherish the comradery and traditions of deer camp, I stay pretty well away from them while out on the hill.
For hunts out west I'm always solo. My buddies either don't have the time, or don't have the money to make the trip.
I like the freedom to hunt how, where and when I want without having to be concerned or burdened with somebody else's wants, needs and enjoyment, or lack there of.
Me and my dog head up to my cabin around October 1st and might swing how for a couple days a couple times but otherwise hunt right up until WI rifle deer season the Saturday before thanksgiving. We bird hunt just about every day, nearly all of it solo. I have a buddy who will swing up one weekend but generally just tags along not actually hunting. Wife swings up for a weekend some years, always plans to hunt but generally chills by the fire in the cabin while I do.

I do some bow hunting during this time all solo.

I have 2 buddies who come up for WI rifle season and we hunt together (one hunts the other just joins), the one who hunts generally leaves on night 2 and me and the other guy stay another couple days.

After that I ML hunt and bow hunt in MN solo.

I wouldnt mind hunting with others but dont really have any friends that do it. I used to bring people bird hunting but am less inclined to now. I would be happy to bring guys who have experience hunting over bird dogs, or new people. But shy away from the guys who have hunted just a little and feel like they are great hunters / shots, they seem to take higher risk shots over my dog. Experienced guys dont and total newbies take direction seriously.

I would love a hunting partner to do some travel big game hunts but just dont know anyone interested.
Either solo or with my brother. My son is going to try and start to join us. I can get away for longer, at least the last few years, so I'll go for two weeks and brother joins me the last week. Its fun as I can get a line on where the critters are.
Solo for archery hunting mule deer. My company is socializing at night with rancher and his wife whose land I hunt on.

Rifle antelope, mule deer, and elk I almost always hunt with dad and brother regardless if we all or only part of us have tags. The only problem is we argue against oneself and try to encourage the other guy to pursue an animal. No one wants to be selfish and say 'I want a specific animal.' We have never let an animal get away due to no one stepping up and being selfish but it can get comical when 3 guys are arguing why they deserve it least.

Waterfowl hunting is 50/50 if I'm by myself or with family/friends.
I really do like hunting with a partner. But on the flip side, I like that when hunting solo I can do it my way, and if there’s an opportunity to kill, I get that opportunity. Bit selfish but true

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I hunt solo the majority of the time, but have a few people I put in with for certian states and species other times.
I like hunting with others, but love solo hunting and would really miss it if I didn't get to do it!
I’m a primarily southeastern whitetail hunter. I hunt on a lease out of a camp with 10 other members. Very seldom is everyone in camp but very seldom am I the only one there.
I enjoy the social aspect of camp life as much as the hunting itself. Seasons are long and deer plentiful so plenty of time to get your freezer filled with does and kill a buck or two. I might hunt solo or with one other hunter if I was in a different area with short season or limited draws for tags or hunted a different style.

I also do one hunt a year in Ohio where we hunt my cousins farm out of his barn which he has transformed into a very nice clubhouse and camp. We hunt with 3-4 guys on that property. His clubhouse is deer hunting central in the area so lots of guys hanging out there.

In Southwest Florida back in the day
I hunted out of a camp with a few guys but I was out there quite a bit solo.
Mostly solo for archery elk. If my buddy shows up for a week without a tag he'll say I'm still hunting solo as soon as I get a bugle response.......because at that point I'm on the run and gone.