Do you come on here for "advice"?


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Humans are complex and emotional beings.
That's why there are so many struggles in communication.........and even our political system. Some are speaking the language of emotions, and others are speaking the language of logic. Those two languages are incompatible with each other........they might as well be speaking Mandarin and German to each other.

If you're looking for compassion, empathy, emotional support, or emotional reasoning......I'm out, and there's no reason to even read my posts. Those are languages I don't understand at all.
Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
No, not advice. But, sometimes there's location information that can be gleaned from the pages of this site.

From a humor standpoint, it's hillarious to read all the posts whereas personalities on this sight try desperately to demonstrate that they own and use every piece of the "latest-and-greatest" high dollar gear.

It's almost a who's who of the most money spent on the so-called "best" gear (lol). Pretty ridiculous.
And that's why I follow the "Cheap Stuff That Works Thread"
Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
I've learned a lot, asked a lot of questions, hoped guys with more experience than me validated at least some of my opinions, and been absolutely flat wrong on some things I truly believed. This site is generally a fountain of good information for a guy in his late 40s that is late to the Western hunting game.

ANNNND... The memes are freaking hillarious and just what I need for a laugh some days.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
That's why there are so many struggles in communication.........and even our political system. Some are speaking the language of emotions, and others are speaking the language of logic. Those two languages are incompatible with each other........they might as well be speaking Mandarin and German to each other.

If you're looking for compassion, empathy, emotional support, or emotional reasoning......I'm out, and there's no reason to even read my posts. Those are languages I don't understand at all.

Well, you must be a little emotional. Why else participate in this thread? There is no logical reason for you to do so. :)


Apr 3, 2022
Love both this site and AT for solid advice. The only thing is you have to pick through it to find the solids. Hopping back into archery after about 10 years, both sites have been a ton of help! Just again, can’t listen to EVERYTHING of course lol.
Dec 23, 2021
I’ll ask for others opinion and seriously consider what folks have to say on some things. On things I’m not likely to change my mind about I’ll not ask.
I think you are right about some people, what they really want is affirmation. That’s human nature. Others genuinely want to hear other points of view.
Another thing that seems just as ridiculous as the point you brought up. Some people feel personally insulted when a person doesn’t take their opinion as the only valid one.
Mar 31, 2019
Weiser, ID
I've received some great advice on gear here. The advice was so amazing, I bought said gear and hated it, sold or traded in the classifieds. Different things work well for different people. I try and help others when I feel like I've got useful info or relevant experience.


Mar 16, 2016
I'm here to find out very detailed information about specific units but I'm not looking for any honey holes unless you want to PM them to me.

Also trying to find out if buying this $900 kifaru is better than buying any other pack for me.

Also I want Alpha glass but I don't want to pay for alpha glass so what should I buy.

Oh and I need sub 6lb mountain gun that will shoot 1moa groups out to 1200yards so should I get either a 6.5 PRC or 300PRC? I also need a scope that will track still if I drop it off a cliff.

I don't use search bars on forums because anything already posted is totally not relevant to what I want sooo 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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Oct 1, 2014
I haven’t thought about it too much but in retrospect yes, I am here for advice, but was lucky enough to find more. Been an awesome site for me.

- Learned (and spent) a lot on gear.
- received advice and lessons learned from other guys who hunted the area I was going to hunt
- made really solid friends that have similar outlooks and goals in life that I talk/text almost daily.
- spoke to and got first hand information and experience from guys that went with outfitters I was researching
- got to laugh at plenty of ridiculous posts, jokes, scandals, etc

Plenty of bs that I have no interest in but weeding through it is a small price to pay for everything else. Like anything else, it is what you make it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Nov 25, 2018
I come here for advice, to view peoples opinions, and exchange ideas. This forums mods do one of the better jobs balancing things out. Its definitely not easy to be a mod these days. If you want advice, ask a good question with relevant info and expect some BS a long with some good responses. Thats healthy for any big group weighing in on a subject. Sometimes you can glean information from the BS in addition to the well thought out responses.


Feb 4, 2022
I absolutely used the advice of other Roksliders to end up with a new EXO pack system. I live many states away from any of the top manufacturers and needed people with hands on experience. Many Roksliders have tried multiple top line packs and can give comparison info and spend a lot more time with them on their back than I have. Just gotta sort through those wanting confirmation that what they chose is THE BEST.
Mar 9, 2021
figured i’d chime in as a long time lurker - most anything i would want to have answered has been discussed in great detail also like seeing what everyone’s got cooking for the new gear on the new year
Dec 31, 2021
I like ideas. I spent a career talking to people but now I'm isolated. So this represents a place to see a broad range of concepts and share what I have. When it comes to hunting I don't fit into 99% of the popular norm. I don't have time to look for hunts in other states. I haven't hunted all of what I have. I don't get excited about trophies - just dinner.

Of all the modern items for sale I have little interest. What I have has worked for a lot of years. Why change? Of a lot of the general discussion, I laugh at some and ignore most of it. Been there and done that.

I'll share my thoughts and stories for what it is worth. I don't have an ego that needs to be fed. I just find what shows up here is interesting and occasionally there is a nugget worth picking up.


Aug 30, 2017
Willow Creek, Montana
I like to talk more about gear. Mainly something I might be overlooking, a cheaper alternative in some cases, lighter weight, better quality etc… some guys get to try stuff out and have no issue spending the money finding what works. I like to try and minimize the mistakes and do it right the first time if I can.(but the mistakes help us learn) This site helps me look at all alternatives to fit my needs the best. Mostly for me its backpacking gear that I like to talk about


Nov 5, 2021
I come here to learn and therefore, to seek advice, I guess.

I think some people just like to have a conversation, offer their help as asked, etc. I'm glad they do. In some forums, people get pretty pissy if you ask a question that's been asked before. I understand the reasoning on one hand. (This forum software, by the way, does a good job of self-searching for you as you type a new thread title into the text box. I haven't seen that feature on other forums before). Sometimes, threads are old and information has changed, so it's worth asking again. Sometimes, you might get a different group of individuals responding with different viewpoints. There's always something to learn and glean, be it a hunt location, gear advice, or whatever.

I'm thankful to all for their input!

ps. There's a forum I frequent - on a completely unrelated topic - that has one poster that MIGHT be trying to be funny, but holy heck, he sounds like the biggest whiny suck there is. I just have to learn to ignore it. I know that I've said stupid stuff and asked stupid questions before in public. :)


Sep 29, 2012
I'm sure I'm going to rustle some feathers (maybe that's the intent😂) but do people actually come on here for advice? Or do they just want to see their own thoughts/positions re confirmed? So many times I see guys asking "advice" on gear or tactics, etc... And then they don't change their mind or seem to dive into other options/thoughts after guys offer things up? I realize we have the same problem in general society. Not whining about people not listening idgaf if you don't want to listen to me😂. My question is am I just a pessimist or wrong?
I think most members want to get information or other perspectives to expanding their thinking. This site has members with a wide variety of backgrounds and I have seen good responses to questions even outside the realm of hunting. It can be tough to sort out the wheat from the chafe however.

There are definitely a few members who post primarily for validation of their own opinions. They post asking for feedback but then explain "why not" to every person who gives a legitimate response that is contrary to their preconception. Those threads can become pretty entertaining.