Do you believe in ghosts


May 30, 2021
I'm not trying to scare you but this is not something you should take lightly. There is no such things as "friendly ghost" I've seen some very strange things happen when I was younger in my home. Nothing ever really happened until my Dad was addicted to pain pills and started suffering from severe depression and my mom started going outside of their marriage with another married man. My sister and I both saw things around this time. 1. She was SnapChatting a friend one day and took a selfie and had a picture of what she described as a "devil looking thing" in the background. She is not the type to make things up or lie either and was terrified.
2. I was in the shower once and when I got out the sink was on full blast. No one was home and I know I did not turn the faucet on.
3. Saw a shadow in my room of someone walking
4. Heard someone running up to my front door and then it swung open and nobody was there.
All these happened within about a month or two. I honestly believe that these were dark spirits that were in our house. Maybe things that were let in from all the sinful behavior that suddenly emerged from my parents. Don't know. But I told someone at work and he told me to pray over the house and ask GOD to remove and darkness from the home and that is what I did. I prayed very hard numerous times a day and suddenly no more "Supernatural things" occurred.
Couldn’t agree more with Alabama
Their is a battle between good and evil amongst us daily.
Many biblical references about dark and evil spirits.
Angels make their presence known and always have a clear message…
Remember Gods Holy Spirit brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self discipline. If it doesn’t bring that aint good!


Jan 1, 2015
Yes I do.

"There can be no light without the dark....."

Horace Slughorn.


Jan 31, 2019
I don't. but, I've experienced things I can't explain. For example, stayed at the Saint James hotel in Cimarron Nm many years ago with a buddy. The hotel was mostly empty but we heard some voices but couldn't find anyone and smelled ladies perfume. Probably nothing, crazy world, lots of smells.


Aug 5, 2022
Central Louisiana
I completely understand the skeptics. I was one once. My experience was one that lasted for a year. I did everything I could to dismiss it but finally had to except it. My wife was a believer from the get go but she had experiences of her own before we had met.
Dec 12, 2019
Colorado, Montana Native
Ghosts and Bigfoot are about the same in my view. Would I like to believe, sure, but my skeptical mind wont fully embrace them until I see undeniable proof. I've been in a house where I heard footsteps and doors close with no real reasons for why, but still could reasonably say it was an old house and could be unlevel and settling. Also I have heard sounds in the woods that I couldn't explain or didn't recognize. Talking or gibberish in the middle of the night was the most unnerving, was it a crazy person lurking or something else. I'm an open minded skeptic I guess.
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Well do you? I've never been a believer in the supernatural type stuff but I'm not naive enough to think we have all the mysteries of the universe unravelled.

There's been some strange happenings around the ratbeetle house lately.
I believe in ghost peppers, and could make anyone who doesn’t a believer

I have never had a supernatural experience, and given the shows about them are as cringy as it gets, like Sasquatch shows, I have not seen the evidence for me to believe in ghosts in the sense of ghost hunters type ghosts
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Oh just things that make you go hmmmm....this might be a bit long and rambling.

Since having our little girl a couple years ago, we would often hear odd noises on her baby monitor. It creeped my wife out but she's always been more impressionable than me. I just chalked it up to the house settling.

Been working from home quite a bit in the last year. So about a month ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table working and heard as plain as day our dog walking down the stairs. The dog is old and has a very distinct sound coming down the stairs. Kind of a thump thump sound. I look up at the stairs and don't see a dog...I glance in the living room and she's sound asleep in her bed. Odd. I told my wife about it later that night and she thinks I'm an idiot.

Fast forward a week or so, we had put our daughter to bed and are sitting on the couch watching tv. Thump thump coming down the stairs. My wife looks at the stairs and then over to our sleeping dog and then over to me with wide eyes. I just bust up laughing and say "told you." We sit there a few minutes and then hear some creaking and popping on the baby monitor. Being slightly creeped out, I get up and look at the monitor just in time to see a weird streak move across and our daughter who has been sound asleep starts tossing and turning. At that point, I had enough and hustled up stairs and parked my ass in her rocking chair for an hour while she slept.

Since that night my daughter who is 2 and half mind you has now mentioned ghosts in the spare bedroom and told my wife "grandma" was in her room. We don't use "grandma" we have other names for the grandmothers...

Just a couple nights ago we were all upstairs in my daughter's room having quiet time before bed. We were sitting around her blanket and she was handing out books. She hands one to daddy, then mommy then she places one next to my wife and says "one for grandma."

That brings us to last night. It was a long day, so when we put our daughter to bed we decided to lay in bed and read. Daughter's room is across the hall from ours and we had the light on so our bedroom door was closed. She had a hard time going to sleep last night and was rustling in her bed, it sounded like someone touched our doorknob and my wife said "oh no she's up." But when she looked at the monitor, my daughter was still snuggled in her covers. I get up and go check on her. She's sleeping fine so I turn around to leave her room and stop, her closet door is slid open about 6". No big deal except when my wife was getting my daughter ready for bed, I specifically picked up her dirty clothes and placed them in the clothes basket in the closet and CLOSED THE DOOR.

We'll see what tonight brings but I'm about to burn the house down. Kidding, kinda.
That’s pretty weird for sure, how old is your home? I assume I would share your sentiments if I experienced that

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
If you believe in Christ, cleanse the house and invite said spirits to Christ. If not, can’t help you.

Wierd shit.

Bible talks about ghosts when Saul raises Samuel from the dead to talk to him.


Jan 24, 2018
Saw one as a kid with my cousin and sister. It walked from the front door into the kitchen and vanished. I saw a women in white, my cousin and sister said it was a young boy. Real weird.

In my old house. We had our daughters room down the hall from ours. Ever night at the same time the monitor would go black, start beeping and my daughter would wake up screaming. Happened for months, we moved and my wife was convinced whatever was there is at our new house. Got real creepy for a while, so one day while at work I decided something needed to be done. Went home and had a “open” conversation about how we must cohabitate or I’d need to make arrangements to have the house cleansed. Felt like a fog lifted in the house. Can’t really explain it. We haven’t had any issues in a while. Every once in a while my wife will see a shawdow or something like that in a corner or in the hallway. But nothing like before. Guess we are finally cohabiting.

Was grabbed by another about 4 years ago. Long story. Was staying in a cabin that was built back in the mid 1700’s. When my wife and I arrived, we walked in and she said something’s not right here. She wasn’t wrong 😬.

3 years ago, we (wife, myself and daughter she was about 2) were staying at an ABNB on Tangier Island. Made dinner, and decided to eat on the back porch. As we are eating my daughter keys in on the corner of the house outside and says “hi” and starts waving. My wife and I look and no one is there. Watching my daughter, she slowly tracks whatever it is through the yard, says “hi” and waves one more time followed by a “bye” as her gaze went to the back of the property (marsh). Shortly there after we realized we were staying next to the town graveyard.
Last edited:
Sep 22, 2013


Jan 1, 2015

Ghost that has been seen before every Hurricane in Pawley's Island, SC for the last 200 years. It is near Myrtle Beach and just got hit by Hurricane Ida. Some seemingly normal people have claimed to have seen him.
Apr 16, 2022
Man i have a good one , i worked for critter control which involved going in attics and crawlspaces. For raccoons and squirrels usually . I went in this house and the lady was terrified of the noises in her attic , i calmed her assuring it was just squirrels, going off of what she described. She told me it was someone screaming and had even called the cops a few times. Well i got my light and she showed me the attic door. I walked in and she slammed the door behind me. I was looking around for droppings and rodent sign , and was noticing the attic was creepy AS HELL. Half of it was a bedroom for a child that hasn't been touched in probably 20 years . Still set up bed and all . About the time i was thinking man this place is fuckin haunted i got a bad feeling , then i heard a baby screaming crying ,my phone automatically went to this black and white youtube video of someone videoing a baby crying in a crib. I ran out of there and right out her front door and left

blackdog of vt

Dec 8, 2016
South Carolina
You could say I'm a believer