Yes, it's an important part of knowing if my rifle is loaded and making sure I don't forget to load it.
When I'm driving or riding, the bolt is closed, chamber empty (that's the law so I roll with it), trigger pulled, striker down. The safety can't be put on safe like this.
So when I get out of the truck to go walking, did I forget to load my rifle?
Check safety with thumb, don't actually need to look at rifle:
It's set to fire and I can't set it to safe. Rifle's empty, forgot to load it, better load it.
It's set to safe. The only time I would do that is after I loaded it, so it's loaded.
It was set to fire and I can push it to safe: Something pushed it off, better be more careful.
So if I forget this all the way up to seeing an animal and pulling the trigger, I don't get an ear shattering *CLICK* on an empty chamber, I just get nothing and can regroup quietly.