Do I need a new rifle?

The 6.5 would be far from my first choice also, but a "suggestion" and a "requirement" are totally different things. Outfitters get to see a lot of calbers/bullets perform so I can understand their suggestions, but saying you cant use what you have is kinda bs.
I see 3 logical options:
1. Tell him what you're bringing or get your money back.
2. Shoot the 30.378, it's an extremely capable cartridge. Sure ammo is spendy but will still be one of the cheapest parts of your hunt.
3. Sell the creedmoor and buy something like a 300wsm. Lower recoil than the win mag but just as capable. Still inexpensive to shoot.

Also the tikka in 300wm is going to have a fair bit of recoil. It's a light gun.

Good luck!

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Can there be an answer to "Do I need a new rifle" other than YES!!!! In your case, seems borrowing a a gun may reluctantly the right answer
I like guns, don't get me wrong, but I would rather be a great shot with one or two rifles than have many that I don't shoot often.

I don’t know anyone who is a good shot and only owns one rifle. That’s an old saying from depression days when literally couldn’t afford another. The standard for a good shot is way higher now, and it takes lots a practice. Those willing to develop the skill like to shoot and usually have multiple rifles. Same with hunts, different terrain and species have different ideal weapons. Sure one gun can do it all ( not a 6.5 cm) but some situations it won’t be ideal
Only you can decide what to take. Put a lot (100s) of rounds through your 6.5 cm then go shoot your dads rifles. You will be able to tell which you like better.

it sounds like you haven’t shot very much. I wouldn’t go buy another rifle till you know exactly what you want. Only shooting and experience will tell you that. Also lugging a rifle on a hunt can change your mind of what you want.

I appreciate that. I have put a few through the 6.5, not 100's. I grew up using 12 ga slugs and shooting lots of birds. Rifle hunting is fairly new to me other than my 22 plinking squirrels. I see people being defensive about your statement but I actually appreciate what you say very much. I guess I will shoot the 6.5 a lot this spring and then shoot the 30-378. If I am unhappy by May, I will still have plenty of time to get a new rifle.
Personally unless you are looking for a new gun anyways just borrowing your dads. Buy a couple boxes for practice (way cheaper than a new gun, scope, ammo).

I would at least contact the outfitter and talk it through. If this was already explained before booking you already knew what you were getting into. This is no different than most African or Bear hunts. They either "highly suggest" or require certain caliber and even sometimes types of bullets. Most don't make a ton of sense but those are the rules.

The semi auto thing is a head scratcher though.
This is no different than most African or Bear hunts. They either "highly suggest" or require certain caliber and even sometimes types of bullets. Most don't make a ton of sense but those are the rules.

It makes sense when you are chasing dangerous game. If you wound it, someone has to go after it and that persons body/life are put in jeopardy. To require a 30 cal or bigger for Audad though, seems a little odd. There are plenty of cartriges that are capable of killing one that are below that and like some have stated, there are plenty of 30 cals that arent.