77’s as described above work great. My experience has been 2moa or better off the bench with a 16” barrel. 1-7 and 1-8.
If you want to get them to go faster, or potentially tighten accuracy, you’ll need to do a few things:
- have reloading equipment
- have windowed magazines to allow longer COAL. You can cut steel ones yourself, or buy from PRI already modified. This gets you to 2.35” minimum.
- your specific mag well will be the next limiter on COAL. They’ll allow COAL ranging from 2.35”-2.39” as is, from what I’ve seen. You can file a channel in the front of your mag well down to as thin as you’re comfortable with. This can get you up to 2.40”-2.45” COAL.
- your upper and barrel extension are the next limiter. They’re going to allow COAL 2.35”-2.40” as is. You can continue the channel you filed in your mag well up through the upper receiver and barrel extension. You’ll want to disassemble to do this. But you can get the upper and extension filed back to allow 2.45” COAL without compromising bolt and lug performance.
Doing All of the above will get you the ability to run the really long bullets like the 88’s. It’ll get you the ability to seat the 77’s at or close to the lands. And it’ll get you 50-200fps by allowing more case capacity.
I think most people will not want to permanently modify their modular rifles. The windowed mags are a big improvement for low cost, if you reload. Seating depth flexibility and almost a tenth of an inch of case capacity are big.