DIY paper tuner?

Jan 29, 2013
Looking to build a paper tuner, wondering if anybody has details/specs for what they did?

Found a few online, but $75 for a paper tuner is ridiculous lol
I have made them out of 1x2s to make a frame the size of a sheet of paper and then screwed an arca plate to the bottom to mount to a tripod.

The one I have now is made from PVC and I use painter's masking paper rolls to shoot through. If you search pvc paper tuner there are how too all over the internet.
Simplest thing I did was cut out a carboard box. Clips around it and hang it from the ceiling.

About anything will do
Buy a roll of paper.
Like this:

Get a broom handle, or larger dowel and cut it in one piece about 1/3 of the other.

Use the longer section of broom handle to put through the roll of paper and suspend from the ceiling, then you pull down on it, fasten clips to the shorter section of handle, clip to the bottom of the paper. Holds it out straight, and weights it.

When not using it, roll it back up. As you shoot up sections, tear/cut them off.

Or just shoot bareshafts and forget about paper tuning.
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I use a $18.00 garment rack, a roll of paper, and a few clamps.

It works fine.


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Gohunt has a video out on how to make one out of 1” PVC pipe. Very easy to make and can be disassembled.

Other option is to take a left over political sign, cut out the middle and use paper clamps to hold paper to the frame. Hang it in front of the target.
Gohunt has a video out on how to make one out of 1” PVC pipe. Very easy to make and can be disassembled.

Other option is to take a left over political sign, cut out the middle and use paper clamps to hold paper to the frame. Hang it in front of the target.

Watch the one off of the GoHunt YouTube page. They go over exactly everything you need.

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I use a clip board. Just use a jig saw to cut out a hole that is about 1” smaller the a standard 8.5”x11 piece of paper. Then screw the clip board to a 1x4x6.
Buy a roll of paper.
Like this:

Get a broom handle, or larger dowel and cut it in one piece about 1/3 of the other.

Use the longer section of broom handle to put through the roll of paper and suspend from the ceiling, then you pull down on it, fasten clips to the shorter section of handle, clip to the bottom of the paper. Holds it out straight, and weights it.

When not using it, roll it back up. As you shoot up sections, tear/cut them off.

Or just shoot bareshafts and forget about paper tuning.


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I bought a roll of paper on Amazon and then hung it in the basement on an old shower curtain rod. Put that up on some big J-hooks in the bare rafter beams. At the bottom I just put a series of clips to weight it down. Probably a better way to do it but it worked and I never really went any further with it.
I just hang a sheet of 8x11 paper from a ladder and put a target behind it. Don't have to build or store anything...

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OK. Buy a roll of wax paper at the grocery store. Take it out of the box, step on it to flatten it. Hang in basement in front of a target bag . I used a clothes hanger that I untwisted and bent to a U shape with a flat bottom. Flattening the roll keeps the paper from unrolling when you shoot thru it. I clip a broken arrow shaft to the bottom with two spring clamps for woodworking. Shoot through it and enjoy easy to see paper tears.