Displaying guns

Might look around on ebay and such for "speaker wall mounts" which can come painted and ready to mount. They typically have a rotating mounting head you might want to modify to hold the firearm.

But they are rated for some weight and can be got for cheaper than you might think. Lots of them out there from China so cheap. Might look at ALiExpress or some sites in China that ship to the US. Should be super cheap compared to a lot of other options you're seeing- if you can figure out how to mount the gun without making a mess.
Thank you to everyone for the baby.

I have seen a lot of those wall boards that are basic clip ins and fairly cheap. I may up going that route. I also may end up making some sort of rack myself for fun… if I can find the time that is

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"A cool but fairly cheap way to display Guns."
Cheap way to display your guns? (look online, there's a lot of ideas. just need a couple pieces of wood, screws & a jig saw.)


Or Amazon $43

Amazon $49

4 Rifle hangers. Amazon $18
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Man… I don’t own any guns.. but if I did .. there is no way I would display them short of a vault room ..
our area is getting worse and worse unfortunately.. been broken into twice in the past 5 years
I had a neighbor I trust. Hunting buddies. Did a lot of family things together. He was always welcome in my house; hell, we cleaned our shotguns in my shop after pheasant hunts.

One day at neighborhood holiday gathering I happened to hear him behind me telling some stranger that was a friend of another neighbor about “all the cool guns the guy across the street has.”

“Which house?” The stranger asked.

You never know which direction the bad luck will blow in from, do you?
I have a double barrel muzzle loading shotgun from the 1800s that I bought in the early 90s, It's the only firearm that I have displayed on the wall. I plan on buying a military percussion rifle from the 1800s as well for a wall hanger.