So on OnX the general symbology for unimproved roads is the parallel double dashed lines, but this has wildly different connotations even in a similar geographic area, compared with Forest service Motor Vehicle Use Maps which have several different tiers of forest road with different symbology and meanings as well as seasonal closures etc.
What this looks like in practice is I’ll be looking at a piece of public land I’m interested in hunting, see those double dashed lines implying a road access (which could be good or bad) I then have to download the MVUM for that unit into Avenza and cross reference that location to see which roads are serviceable, open, etc at that time of year. Which is annoying but okay, what’s worse is for lands that don’t have such readily available secondary road maps it leaves a real roll of the dice to see if something marked as a road is actually a road or not. I’ve met a locked gate more than once or found a “road” to not actually be one.
So i just know that this data isn’t reliable and plan contingencies for access etc.
For what it’s worth this isn’t a deal breaker or anything, I’m happy with the product you guys offer, it’s just my one point of annoyance.