Nice to see OnX on here answering questions, taking feedback, and making improvements!
I've tried OnX twice (1 year each), plus Gaia and GoHunt over the last 5 years. Here's the list of things that keep taking me back to Gaia:
1. OnX is not great for planning hikes, Gaia has much, much more advanced hike planning tools. Since most of my western hunting is really similar to hiking, being able to see the elevation change and predict travel times on a planned route or line that I draw is critical.
2. the android auto compatibility of Gaia is also fantastic for driving, to my knowledge there is not an equivalent capability in OnX hunt.
3. It is also easier to determine the status of a road in Gaia, i.e. who is allowed to drive on it? I've hunted in many areas where the OnX roads on the map were not drivable for various reasons. The Gaia links to the MVUM info is more reliable.
4. Custom map sizes for offline maps. Gaia lets me select whatever rectangle I want and save it as a map at whatever level of detail I want. No need to overlap a bunch of small maps to get the highest resolution.
Making these tweaks would definitely impact my subscription decision.