Based on the recommendation from
ldrathman, I pulled the trigger on the scope cam adapter. I'll post a review once I get it and get some use it.
Fully universal, the MAG PLATE KIT works on all phone models. The mag plate was designed to keep your everyday case on your phone all the time and still use our universal optic adapter (uni-2), no need to change cases when you are ready to digiscope. Always have access to your phones camera...
The reason I decided on this route was the fact that it solved my biggest con of each the ollin and the magview. Biggest ollin con was the separate case. Scopecam solves that. Biggest magview con is that it wasn't indexible.
That and the scope cam product will work on any spotter and binos--for $120--less than half the cost of magview.
Now--we'll see how well it works.