Ok next step:
Fruits & Vegetables (F&V)
Americans don't get enough, period. Nothing is lower in calories per unit of weight than vegetables with fruits a close second. If you've ever heard negative things about fruits & vegetables (high in pesticides, too much sugar, nutrient-depleted soil) forget them. Most of the myths are pushed by the supplement gurus trying to sell you supplements. The data on fruits and vegetables is phenomenal:
50% decrease in male prostate cancer
20-60% decrease in all cancers
43% decrease in macular degeneration (can't hunt without your eyes)
38% decrease in all-cause mortality
And they work magic for weight management if you replace processed carbs & fattening foods with fruits & vegetables.
Virtually everyone needs more F&V as consumption has dropped markedly in last 50 years with widely available processed foods. One study showed that men age 18-25 got zero servings of F&V if you didn't count french fries and ketchup!
A growing body of evidence is showing how good F&V are. You can't get from supplements what you can get from F&V primarily because the supplements don't contain the cell of the plant where many anti-oxidants and phytochemicals are found. Don't think your 1-a-day or your fortified protein shake can make up for a poor consumption of F&V- not a chance.
For your calorie level DEW (2400 per day) you need a minimum of 5 servings per day with 10 servings for optimum health.
I'll give you the official "serving" size then a quick-and-dirty serving size:
1 medium piece of fruit like and apple, peach, banana
1/2 cup of raw or canned fruit or veggies (canning concentrates the serving size so less is required), including berries (they pack down)
1 cup raw veggies
2 cups raw leafy greens
3/4 cup juice
1/2 cup beans (only need 1-2 servings per day.)
1/4 cup dried fruit (only need 1 serving per day as they are higher in calories)
1 serving = clenched fist without your thumb.
Shoot for minimum of 5 servings per day. If you are eating 3 times per day, that means every meal has to have at least one serving, plus each snack a serving.
F&V are NOT convenient unless you plan. You won't find many in the gas station or even your fridge unless you bring them home. Try to get a big variety of them to get the most benefit, not just potatoes, peas, and corn, (not a thing wrong with them, you just need more variety.)
I can hit 5 per day pretty easy (today I had a banana and pineapple with breakfast, apple snack, tomatoes in my whole grain pasta dish at lunch, so two servings with dinner and I'll have 5). 10 is harder, but can be done.
There is a range of nutrition depending on the preparation method with the least nutritious being canned (still a great choice compared to the other crap you could be eating) with fresh being the most nutritious. Frozen fruit and veggies can be great, too, if frozen while fresh (called flash freezing). No matter the method, they are good.
Keeping a big salad in the fridge can help get your intake up, as it's always ready. Measure your dressing and stay at recommended serving size on bottle or your calories will jump way up.
Some more ideas here:
Along with your calorie tracking (calorie is king) now start tracking your F&V and make sure you are getting 5-10 servings per day, along with your 100 ounces of water.
Till next time!